
Kered Riam

Kered Riam

The newlywed husband of Star Sapphire Miri Riam. He was casually killed by Mongul when the tyrant hyjacked the couples ship. Kered's murder was so devistating to Miri that the a Violet Ring located her by following the great void left in her heart.

Kered Riam
Real name:
Birth date:

Kered and Miri Riam were newlyweds from the planet Lartnec, traveling through space and heading for their honeymoon. Kered was portrayed as a loving and poetic young man who was very much in love with his young bride. While the couple playfully discussed their upcoming vacation and future together, Kered noticed a yellow beam of light heading towards their craft. While Miri suggested that they might be in a shipping lane, Kered was suspicious. As the ships warning systems blared out a call for evasive maneuvers, Kered pulled the ship hard left hoping to avoid a collision with the strange light. When the light matched their maneuvers, Kered knew that they were dealing with something serious.

Kered ordered Miri to move to the back of the ship and put on her jet pack but she refused to leave his side. With only moments before impact, the young groom slammed an emergency button on the ships' consul which activated the pressure suits that would protect them from the cold of space. He did so without a moment to spare. Gazing out of the windshield Kered saw his attacker clearly; it was Mongul the space tyrant who recently survived an encounter with the Green Lantern Corps where his left arm was amputated, his left eye blasted out of his skull, and his body nearly digested by the Black Mercy planet. Mongul tore through the ship, sending Miri flying off into space. Acting quickly, Kered anchored a tether line and leaped to catch her, saving his wife from drifting aimless into the void.  

The two watched with horror as Mongul gluttonously devoured their food supply. Kered approached Mongul who was standing between them and the jet packs they needed to survive. The tyrant appeared to pay the couple no mind, but Kered approached him and requested that he take what he wants but leave them the jet packs and enough food to survive. With casual indifference, Mongul flicked Kered's visor with his finger, shattering the protective glass and exposing Kered to the cold and airlessness of space. His face bloodied and his eyes nearly bursting, Kered died in seconds while whispering to his wife that he loved her. Mongul simply flew off, with no reaction to the devistation he had wrought.
For two days the damaged ship drifted in space while Miri cradled her husband's lifeless body. Vowing to join him in death, the young bride began violent smashing her own faceplate with a wrench in hopes of shattering the glass and ending her torment. Her suicidal attempts were halted by the sudden arrival of a Violet Lantern ring. The ring had found Miri by sensing her capacity for great love and the void that has now been left in her heart. Offering her a chance to use love to combat hate and fear, the ring transformed Miri into a Star Sapphire and the heartbroken young lady took to the stars to begin a new life.


December 2008



Died in issues

