
Kent Shakespeare

Kent Shakespeare

After being exposed to an experimental virus in medical school, Kent gained superpowers. He became a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes codenamed Impulse.

Kent Shakespeare
Real name:
Richard Kent Shakespeare
  • Impulse
  • Richard Kent Shakespeare
  • Superman
Birth date:
  • Healing
  • Invulnerability
  • Super Speed
  • Super Strength


Kent Shakespeare grew up in Metropolis during the 30th Century and was a highly intelligent and shy child. Kent was bullied often and this resulted in him having a strong empathy for outcasts and a desire to defend the persecuted. While attending medical school Kent contracted a Kryptonian virus which made him gravely ill. Kent was shipped off to Colu to be treated by Brainiac 5, who discovered that the virus was actually improving Kent's body. The virus ended up increasing Kent's mass, in addition to giving him partial invulnerability, super-speed and super-strength. Brainiac 5 then asked Kent to join the Legion of Superheroes, which he did, under the code name Impulse.


Kent Shakespeare was created by Al Gordon and was intended to be a descendant of Superman.

Character Evolution

Five Years Later

Kent Shakespeare (Five Years Later)
Kent Shakespeare (Five Years Later)

After the Legion disbanded, Kent, wanting to avoid harassment by Earthgov agents, becomes a resident on the medical planet Quarantine where Garridan Ranzz and Ivy are among his patients. When Chameleon Boy and Cosmic Boy reform the Legion, Kent is among a number of former Legionnaires who join them. He helps the Legion in their confrontations with the Khunds, the Dominators, Grimbor the Chainsman, Lobo, Darkseid, Mordru and Glorith. In the battle with Glorith, Kent is de-aged to childhood and he is not active again with the team until his timeline is wiped away during Zero Hour. This version of Kent appeared one more time in Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds, where he is one of many Legionnaires who show up to help in the fight against the Time Trapper.

Reboot / Earth-247

Kent Shakespeare (Earth-247)
Kent Shakespeare (Earth-247)

In the Post-Zero Hour version of the Legion Kent is a member of the Legion Academy. Unfortunately, the Legion is once again rebooted before he can graduate and become a full-fledged Legionnaire. His origin and powers are never fully defined in this continuity.

Possible Future?

Kent Shakespeare as the Superman of the 31st Century
Kent Shakespeare as the Superman of the 31st Century

In Superman/Batman #80 Kent is shown to be operating as the Superman of the 31st Century, where he fights alongside another descendant of Superman: Superwoman ( Laurel Kent). Batman ( Brane Taylor) and Robin ( Tom Wayne) are also among his allies as they are all shown in battle against Epoch, the Lord of Time.

Powers and Abilties

Kryptonian Hybrid

The Kryptonian virus which transformed Kent Shakespeare's body gave him limited invulnerability, super-speed, and super-strength. He also possesses far greater physical stamina than the average human, but he's susceptible to mental fatigue and therefore requires sleep.


Legion Flight Ring
Legion Flight Ring

As a member of the Legion, Kent possessed a Legion Flight Ring. The ring gives its wearer the ability to fly, the speed and range of which is determined by the wearer's willpower. It also acts as a long-range communicator (enabling constant vocal contact with other Legionnaires, even across vast distances of space), a signal device, and a navigational compass, all powered by a micro-computer built inside the ring.

Physical Characteristics

Height: 6'4"

Weight: 697 lbs.

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Brown

Other Versions

In the Justice League Adventures continuity, Kent Shakespeare is a reporter in the 31st Century. He is shown to be covering stories concerning the Legion of Superheroes, but it is not clear whether or not he has powers in this continuity.

Other Media


October 1990

November 1990

February 1991

March 1991

April 1991

May 1991

July 1991

August 1991

September 1991

October 1991

December 1991

January 1992

April 1992

November 1992

December 1992

January 1993

February 1993

April 1993

June 1993

July 1993

October 1993

December 1993

January 1994

February 1994

May 1994

September 1994

December 2003














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