
Judy Garrick

Judy Garrick

The speedster daughter of Jay and Joan Garrick who was lost in time. She used the alias of the Boom.

Judy Garrick
Real name:
Judith Grace Garrick
  • Judith Garrick
  • Boom
Birth date:
February 14th, 1949
  • Agility
  • Healing
  • Phasing / Ghost
  • Stamina
  • Super Speed
  • Time Travel
  • Unarmed Combat
  • Vibration Wave


Judy Garrick was created by Geoff Johns and Todd Nauck. Her first appearance was in The New Golden Age #1 despite being retcon to exist in Flash Comics #10. Before her debut she was referenced in Stargirl Spring Break Special and Flashpoint Beyond.


Judy Garrick, the daughter of Jay and Joan Garrick ,was the Boom, teenage sidekick to the first Flash. Jay first met Judy when she accidentally traveled back in time and helped her father during one of his earliest adventures in 1940. At first, Jay Garrick was unaware this teenager speedster was his daughter, but she later revealed her identity to him before she sped back to her present days of 1963, disclosing that she had gained her powers the same way Jay had, inhaling hard-water fumes, although she never provided much detail beyond that. Over the course of Jay's career. Judy would often visit him from 1963, teaming up with her father to take on the villains of his time, including the Shade, the Thinker, and the Fiddler, Judy also often helped her father against the Turtle, whose awkward son became friends with Judy. Taking on the name Tortoise, the Turtle's son attempted to assist Judy whenever his father would commit a crime. Usually, Tortoise would unknowingly cause more trouble for Judy than help, but she valued his friendship nonetheless. Judy stopped visiting her father from the future after she was born, on February 14th, 1949. However, as of this writing, no one remembers her birth or existence.

Personal Data

  • Occupation: Student
  • Identify: Secret
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Known Relatives: Jay Garrick (father), Joan Garrick (mother)
  • Base of Operations: Keystone City
  • Height: 5'3'
  • Weight: 105 lbs
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: Brown

Powers and Abilities

Speed Force Conduit: As the daughter of the Flash Judy possesses a strong natural connection to the Speed Force. Like her father. Judy could move at speeds, able to catch bullets and run up the sides of buildings. The exact extent of her powers remains a mystery, as they were never tested or fully explored during her adventures with her father.

Enhance Physiology: As a conduit of the Speed Force, all aspects of Iris's physiology are accelerated and enhanced. This include: superhuman speed, stamina, agility, heighten mental acuity and senses, etc.

Electrokinesis: As a conduit of the Speed Force, Judy' body generates large amounts of the electrical energy that she draws from the Speed Force. This Speed Force lightning emanates off of her, especially when moving at superhuman speed

Phasing: Speed Force conduits can tap into the Speed Force to vibrate their molecules in a way to achieve intangibility for short bursts, allowing them to phase through objects.

Explosive Touch: Judy can vibrate her molecules to match the natural resonant frequency of solid objects and cause them to explode with a touch.

Sound Attacks: Judy creates sonic booms when she runs

Speed Force Aura: The Speed Force manifests an aura around Judy and whatever she is carrying, protecting her from adverse effects of her speed, such as friction with the air, also protects Judy from kinetic impacts, which in turn, makes her much more durable and resistant to injury than any normal human. She ran through a stone wall and multiple wooden doors without injury.

Time Travel: Judy can tap into the Speed Force to traverse time.


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