
Ji Daggle

Ji Daggle

Aunt of Reep Daggle the Legionnaire called Chameleon Boy and the former sister-in-law of R.J. Brande.

Ji Daggle
Real name:
Birth date:
  • Chameleon
  • Shape Shifter


Ji Daggle was a Durlan and the sister to R.J Brande and aunt to Chameleon Boy, and raised him as his adoptive mother.


Ji Daggle was created by She appeared in the DC Comics publication Legion of Super-Heroes #263 - Day of Judgement in May of 1980.

Character History

Major Story Arcs

Pre-Zero Hour:

Ji was born on the planet Durla were the denizens are non-humanoid shape-shifters. In Durlan society, it was not common for individuals to take their own names. Off the planet they are regarded with great suspicion because of their shape-shifting abilities and seemingly barbaric culture. Due to the warlike tendencies of its civilization, Durla entered a civil war which culminated in the Six Minute War.

The Durlan called Chameleon Boy never new his father or his mother as he was raised by his aunt Ji. She raised him and his brother Liggt. Their father was the mate of her sister Zhay . However Zhay died when the children were small and their father abandoned them afterward. His father would leave Durla and create a human persona of R.J Brande and become a wealthy entrepreneur across the galaxies. R.J later would have ties as the business partner of Ji's brother Theg ,who took the guise of Doyle Brande. R.J. left his son in Ji's care.

Ji's first visit off of Durla was to go to Earth and meet a visiting party of Legionnaire family members on the same visit. Unfortunately for Ji and the others marked by her being attacked by Dagon the Avenger. Ji attempts to fight the attacker by shape-shifting into a stronger form but is no match for Dagon and is made unconscious. Kidnapping the parents of members of the Legion of Super-Heroes and demanding "one billion solar credits" for their return. If his demands were not met within 24 hours Ji and the rest would be killed. However, the Legion of Super-Heroes discover his lair located which was buried right underneath their own headquarters and free the families. Lightning Lad is able to subdue him with a powerful bolt of energy.

Powers and Abilities

Ji has the same shape-shifting ability that is innate among all Durlans. They can take the form of any object or organism their body can 'scan' with their antennae and morph into it within seconds. Ji is able to shift into forms both larger and smaller than she is, creating or disregarding mass as needed. She can also elongate parts of her body with this excess mass creation, as well as rearrange her internal organs and tissue such as her eyes, nose, heart, etc.

Personal Statistics:

Identity: Public

Alignment: Good

Gender: Female

Occupation: Unknown

Family: Reep Daggle, aka Chameleon Boy (nephew); Liggt Daggle (nephew, deceased); Ren Daggle, aka RJ Brande (brother-in-law), Zhay Daggle (sister, deceased), Dolye Brand (brother deceased)

Race: Durlan

Base of Operation: Durla, 30th century

Affiliation: Durla, United Planets

Universe: Pre-Zero Hour Durla

Alternate versions: Ji Daggle (Earth Zero)


May 1980

November 1988






