
Jeffrey Scanlon

Jeffrey Scanlon

First victim of the pathogen released by Alastor. His DNA was merged with that of a Teallian.

Jeffrey Scanlon
Real name:
Jeffrey Scanlon
  • Doc Scanlon
  • Doctor Jeffrey Scanlon
  • Hypersapien
  • Jeffrey Scanlon
Birth date:
  • Blast Power
  • Energy-Enhanced Strike
  • Energy Manipulation
  • Flight
  • Intellect
  • Phasing / Ghost
  • Teleport

Dr. Jeffrey Scanlon was Alastor's consulting physician because Alastor was suffering from a psychotic breakdown. Alastor's current state of being was brought on by what happened to his sister during the late Earth-Man's xenophobic campaign. Alastor swore to exact his revenge on humanity by playing a cruel joke on the human genome. Alastor pleaded with Psion scientists to create a plague that would infect any human within a certain radius. The Psions designed a pathogen that would cause a merger between alien and human DNA. Alastor was stopped by the Legion but certain individuals like Dr. Scanlon were compromised.

Dr. Scanlon became an energy being whose genetic code was now similar to that of a Teallian. At first, Scanlon feels isolated but at as time goes by, Scanlon begins to accept his newfound powers. The Legion member Wildfire became aware of Scanlon's genetic alteration when he notices an unusual energy signature that was dispersed nearby. The Legion confront the doctor and ask him to come into their custody in order to help him expel Alastor's pathogen from his body. Scanlon doesn't quite trust the Legion so he lashes out at them. Wildfire pities the good doctor and tries to consult him. Unfortunately, Scanlon disregards his former humanity and decides to self implode himself. Scanlon is Alastor's first of many victims that are yet to come.


November 2011

December 2011



Died in issues
