
Jai West

Jai West

Iris West's fraternal twin brother and (the Flash) and Linda West's son. He aged rapidly due to his connection to the speed force to the point where he is roughly 8 years old physically. He could "temporarily superaccelerate the myofibrillar hypertrophism in his muscular tissue" and has superspeed. He was recently given the code name Surge.

Jai West
Real name:
Jai West
  • Jai West
  • Jay
  • Surge
Birth date:
  • Animation
  • Duplication
  • Electricity Control
  • Healing
  • Shape Shifter
  • Size Manipulation
  • Stamina
  • Super Speed
  • Super Strength
  • Teleport
  • Time Travel
  • Unarmed Combat
  • Vibration Wave


Originally stillborn due to Zoom attacking his mother, Linda Park-West, Wally West travelled back in time while fighting Zoom and pushed him into his own blast, causing what the doctor's called "Spontaneous pregnancy" in the current timeline and reviving Jai and his sister Iris, being born happy and healthy. Jai is named after the original Flash, Jay Garrick.

Shortly after, during the Infinite Crisis, Wally West was sucked into the speed force while fighting Superboy-Prime. Returning home to say goodbye to Linda, she grabbed hold of him while holding Iris and Jai and all four West's were sucked into the speed force. However, thanks to a key Linda was holding from the planet Savoth, the four of them actually ended up traveling to the planet Savoth, where the family was able to stay. The speed force had altered the children's genetic make-up though, and shortly after arriving on Savoth they began to age rapidly, eventually stabilizing when Jai was roughly 8 physically and Iris was 10 physically. The kids also developed powers, with Iris having the ability to vibrate her molecules through solid objects and Jai having the ability to accelerate the growth of his muscle tissue.


Jai West and his sister were created by Geoff Johns during his run on The Flash, specifically issue #225.

Major Story Arcs

Back to Earth

During the events of the Lightning Saga, the Legion of Super-Heroes used their lightning rods to bring back the essence of Lightning Lad, however as a side effect of their actions, Wally, Linda, Iris and Jai were pulled back to Earth. Around this time, the kids developed powers, with Jai having the ability to accelerate the growth of his muscle tissue and Iris having the ability

Jai in his Super Suit
Jai in his Super Suit

to vibrate her molecules through solid objects. He and Iris then started working with their dad to be super-heroes, and following a Ferry Rescue caught the attention of the media.

Flash: Rebirth

During this arc, Barry Allen returns and Jai ultimately loses his connection to the Speed Force. Because of Jai and his sister, Iris's, relationship only one of them can have a connection to the Speed Force or they both suffer considerable amounts of pain. In a desperate attempt to save her brother from the pain, Iris takes the full blunt of the Speed Force herself. This causes Jai to lose all of his powers, while Iris gains complete control, becoming the next speedster generation. Following this, Jai has lost his connection to the speed force and has begun a quest to conquer every video game he can get his hands on.

Road to Flashpoint

Jai along with the rest of the Flash Family were at a family picnic, but Barry never showed up.

Post Flashpoint

Jai was erased from reality following Flashpoint.

An instant before the Flashpoint revision wave hit, Jai and Irey were pulled into the Dark Multiverse. Wally attempted to save them but was too late. Ten years were removed from history by Dr. Manhattan, which included Jai and Irey’s birth, and all memory of them was erased. Wally himself was lost in the Speed Force immediately after and Linda forgot both him and her children existed.

Flash: Flash-Forward

Irey and Jai were trapped on a planet in the Dark Multiverse created from their father’s fear that he would never see his family again. Wally eventually found his children, only to learn that he couldn't destroy the planet on his own. He agreed to join with the Mobius Chair to save the Multiverse in exchange for Tempus Fuginaut to take Irey and Jai to Earth 0. He integrated them into Earth 0's history and they were reunited with Linda, who had her memories of her family restored.


Jai and Irey answered Max Mercury's call from the Speed Force to help him and the Flash Family battle the Legion of Zoom. The younger members of the Flash Family figured out that if they disrupt the time-displaced villains' frequencies, they would return to their proper times without any memories of their time among the Legion.

Powers & Abilities

Speed Force Connection: As the son of the Flash Jai possesses a strong natural connection to the Speed Force, a mysterious cosmic force that pushes time and space itself forward. However unlike most of the Flash Family Jai has a unique connection to the Force which allows him to reshape it subconsciously, rather than typical speedsters who simply tap into it. Cosmic aliens known as The Stillness describe him as a "shaper". Jai powers manifest in te following ways:

  • Super Strength: Primarily, this connection only manifests itself as the ability to temporarily accelerate the growth of his muscles, allowing him also super strength.
  • Healing: Jai can focus the Speed Force to rapidly recover from otherwise fatal injuries and purge toxins from his system.
  • Mind-Link: Jai can also sync his Speed Force aura with his father's, causing him to fly behind Wally when Wally thinks of him. This power works in reverse, allowing Jai to summon Wally
  • Teleportation/Time Travel: Jai has the power to open quantum wormholes to other speed force conduits allowing him to teleport to their location trough space and time.
  • Avatars: Jai can create "animated homonculi" from his own biomass. By leaving them in a specific location he can use them as an "entanglement point" and teleport to them at will. Jai is also capable of splitting up his entire body into dozens of these mini homunculi then resemble himself.
  • Electrokinesis: Unlike most conduits of the Speed Force, Jai's body does not typically emanate Speed Force lightning. However, he can draw large amounts of the electrical energy into himself, with intense focus.


October 2005

December 2005

January 2006

February 2006

March 2006

January 2007

August 2007

October 2007

November 2007

December 2007

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February 2008

March 2008

April 2008

May 2008

June 2008

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September 2008

October 2008

November 2008






















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