


Hurmizah is a Hell Lord, who along with Lilith, Namah, and Machhlath, rule the third level of hell. Hurmizah is then Hell Lord responsible for the 10 plague sent on Egypt to spring the Hebrews.

Real name:
  • Lord of Plagues
  • Hell Lord
  • Angel of Death
  • The Black Plague
Birth date:
  • Fire Control
  • Flight


Hurmizah is a Hell Lord, who along with Lilith, Namah, and Machhlath rule the third level of hell. Hurmizah is the Hell Lord of Plagues, and that was how he got the name, The Black Plague. Years ago when God wanted to free the Hebrews from the pharaoh of Egypt he "subcontracted his lesson" to Hurmizah. Hurmizah takes great pride in being the Angel of Death, who took the first born of Egypt.


Hurmizah was created by Peter David for his series Supergirl

Major Story Arcs

A Plague on Both Your Houses

Hurmizah comes to Earth, after being gone for a thousand years, and begins his destruction by destroying a gas truck. He then waits for Linda Danvers, Mary Marvel and Buzz on the highway from Las Vegas. As they approach he turns all their bottled water into blood. He then attacks Linda with a swarm of locust, and Buzz and Mary with a horde of frogs. When Buzz realizes it's Hurmizah he calls the Demon Lord out. Hurmizah obliges by blind siding Linda and trying to break her neck. Buzz informs Mary that the dagger on Hurmizah is the one thing that can kill him, but when Mary tries to grab it Hurmizah gives her deadly boils and she drops the dagger. Buzz picks up the dagger and throws it into Hurmizah's back sending the Demon Lord back to hell.

Chaos Rains/ Better off Angel

While in the Garden of Eden, Hurmizah and Twilight are examining the overflowing Chaos Stream underground, when Demon Mother arrives. She explains that her plan is to use the Chaos Stream to crack the barrier to Perdition and free Carnivore. Hurmizah tries to tell her that is impossible and Carnivore was put there because he was the worst of the worst. Demon Mother strikes him for his insulin. Then an earthquake happens and the trio are forced top side. There Hurmizah stabs Mary Marvel with the Hell-Spawn Dagger, seemingly killing her.

While Linda Danvers deals with the dieing Mary Marvel, Bizarro Supergirl breaks her cage and tries to "help" Demon Mother by killing Carnivore. This does not work with Demon Mothers plans so she orders Hurmizah to stop Bizarro Supergirl. He senses that she is made of more plant then human so he unleashes a swarm of locust on her killing her.

Before Hurmizah can do any more damage, Twilight, who double crosses Demon Mother, wraps him in darkness. While wrapped in darkness, Hurmizah never realizes Buzz has stolen the Hell-Spawn Dagger, until he uses it to stab Demon Mother. This give Supergirl the upper hand and she pushes Hurmizah, Demon Mother and Carnivore back into Perdition. This is where Hurmizah is still trapped to this day.

Powers and Abilities

Hurmizah can control the ten plagues. He is shown commanding Locust and frogs. He can change water to blood and bring meteor like rocks from the heavens. Hurmizah can infect a person with lethal boils.

Like most Hell Spawn, Hurmizah is variable to Hell Spawn weapons and has a compulsion to carry one with him at all times


July 2002

October 2002

November 2002


