
Guardian 7

Guardian 7

Guardian 7 was one of The Guardians of The Universe who gave Sodam Yat the power of Ion and was present during the final battle against The Anti-Monitor and The Sinestro Corps. He died sacrificing his life in an attempt to destroy Superman-Prime.

Guardian 7
Real name:
Birth date:
  • Blast Power
  • Cosmic Awareness
  • Divine Powers
  • Electricity Control
  • Energy Absorption
  • Energy-Enhanced Strike
  • Energy Manipulation
  • Energy Shield
  • Fire Control
  • Flight
  • Force Field
  • Ice Control
  • Immortal
  • Intellect
  • Leadership
  • Omni-lingual
  • Psionic
  • Psychic
  • Telekinesis
  • Telepathy
  • Unarmed Combat
Prime is too powerful
Prime is too powerful

Not much was ever revealed about him, for the most part he was seen only in the background but had a say in everything The Guardians of The Universe decided on. He played a role in the interrogation of Hank Henshaw a.k.a. The Cyborg Superman concerning the 52 and was one of the Guardians who banished Ganthet and Sayd from Oa. During The Sinestro Corps final assault on Earth, he fought alongside his fellow Guardians of the Universe, The Green Lantern Corps and Earth's Heroes in a bid to stop The Anti-Monitor from destroying Earth and in turn The New Multiverse itself. He was also one of The Guardians who passed the power of Ion onto a Daxamite Green Lantern named Sodam Yat.

The death of a Guardian
The death of a Guardian

Following Superboy Prime's betrayal of The Anti-Monitor, The Guardians of The Universe took the fight to Prime, the most dangerous of all The Anti-Monitor's Heralds. During the fight he and Prime came into direct conflict with one another and Prime, in his childish arrogance, began digging into the Guardian's skull with his fingers. When he did large amounts of energy began to leak out and when Prime inquired as to whether or not it was how Guardians bled, the Guardian explained that the energy leak was how Guardians died.

Superboy Prime is removed from the fight, but at a cost
Superboy Prime is removed from the fight, but at a cost

Using all his might he sacrificed his life to destroy Prime. Unfortunately as it was later revealed, all he managed to do was remove Prime atom by atom from the Universe and warped him into The New Multiverse. To make things worse Prime also absorbed most of the Guardian's lifeforce and became swollen with power, making him even more powerful than before.

This power upgrade also made Prime appear as if he had aged to the point where he looked almost as old as the mainstream Superman. However, while it was only temporary, Prime committed many great atrocities with his increased powers before he lost them during a fight with Monarch that resulted in the total annihilation of Earth-51.


March 2006

July 2006

June 2007

September 2007

October 2007

December 2007

January 2008

February 2010






Died in issues



