
Green Lantern of Sector 3461

Green Lantern of Sector 3461

One of a group of rookie Green Lanterns who were mind controlled by the villain Zardor into attacking the Honor Guard.

Green Lantern of Sector 3461
Real name:
Birth date:
  • Blast Power
  • Energy-Enhanced Strike
  • Energy Manipulation
  • Energy Shield
  • Flight
  • Force Field
  • Holographic Projection
  • Light Projection
  • Omni-lingual
  • Phasing / Ghost
  • Radar Sense
  • Stamina
  • Super Speed
  • Super Strength
  • Tracking
  • Weapon Master
  • Willpower-Based Constructs


The Green Lantern of Sector 3461 was one of the last rookies trained by Kilowog shortly before he resigned as Corps Drill Instructor. Unknown to the Corps, the renegade Guardian Krona had formed an alliance with the powerful telepath Zardor. Zardor intended on subverting the Green Lantern Corps by siphoning power from the Corps rings and using that connection to exert mental control over rookie Lanterns.  
Lantern 3461 was one of a number of rookies who were unknowingly serving Zardor. Under his mental influence the rookies attacked Honor Guards Gardner, Arisia, and Kilowog, as well as Red Lantern Bleez, in an effort to stop the quartet from interfering with Zardor's plans.  
Zardor telepathically commanded the rookies to see Gardner and company as Sinestro Corps soldiers. Thinking they were doing their duty, the rookies captured the Sinestros and intended on executing them under the First Law. Before they could act, Gardner's superior willpower allowed him to blast free from the rookies restraints. With the rookies shaken, Arisia, Kilowog, and Bleez were freed. Bleez instantly pounced upon Lantern 3461, and spewed the Red Lanterns burning blood in his face. 
Bleez attack had an unexpected result. The pain shocked Lantern 3461 into awareness. Zardor's mental hold was broken over the young Lantern, who saw that Gardner and company had been telling the truth. Zardor had been observing the conflict, and directed the remaining rookies into attacking 3461. Seeing him as a Sinestro Corps soldier, the rookies turned their rings on 3461. Before he could reveal the truth, Lantern 3461 was killed by a barrage of energy blasts.  
The Honor Guard over powered and restriained the mind controlled rookies. Before the Guard could decide what to do with them, Zardor telepathically directed the rookies to commit suicide by shooting themselves in the head. 
Lantern 3461's ring left his body to search the Sector for another worthy bearer. Presumably he will be laid to rest in the Crypts of Oa. Kilowog vowed to avenge his death. 

 The death of Green Lantern 3461
 The death of Green Lantern 3461


January 2011

February 2011



Died in issues

