
General Glory (Jones)

General Glory (Jones)

Joseph Jones was an American soldier during World War II. Granted superpowers by "Lady Liberty," and went on to become General Glory.

General Glory (Jones)
Real name:
Joseph Aloysius Jones
  • America's Greatest Hero
  • Democracy's Only True Hope
  • General Glory
  • Joe Jones
  • Joseph Aloysius Jones
  • Joseph Jones
Birth date:
  • Gadgets
  • Longevity
  • Super Strength
  • Unarmed Combat
  • Weapon Master

"Lady of Liberty, hear my plea,

for the land of the brave

and the home of the free!"

General Glory oath


Joseph "Joe" Jones was and American soldier part of a squad during WWII. During a mission, in the european war scenery, he and his team were bombarded by a german plane with a toxic gas. Meanwhile his whole squad died, Jones survived and saw himself in a vision with the "Lady Liberty" who granted him super human powers. By reciting the oath wrote on the stone showed to him by the Lady of Liberty, every time than he said those words, Joe would be granted powers far above and beyond normal men becoming America's favorite son, General Glory.


Created as a pastiche/parody of Captain America and other World War II era patriotic heroes, many of the stories of General Glory are parodies to Captain America stories. General Glory's arch-nemesis, Evil Eye, shared his name (Schmidt) with Captain America's archfoe, The Red Skull.

Major Story Arcs

Glory Bound

To be a more effective agent, his bosses used a comic book was published with his adventures so that people would believe him to be a fictional character. This cover was useful, even when he had to go against enemies as the Evil Eye, a mad nazi scientist. However, after his war efforts, General Glory vanished mysteriously, with his comic also stopping being published. By the modern times, he was believed to be only an old comic book character.

The truth was, the General had became an amnesic old man, who had only fragmented memories of his previous life, but unaware of how he had ended in that condition. As time had passed more and more of his old memories returned to him, haunting his present and unreachable to his broken state. After becoming a old man, he found himself pursued for his old archnemesis, the Evil Eye, as old as him, which confirmed than the adventorous life as General Glory was not an illusion of a deteriorated mind. However, as he was uncapable of remember the oath and access the powers of Glory, Joe had to running away always from his old foe, before he could endangered any innocent bystander, leaving the retired solder o place to rest.

However the oportunity to found his lost oath rose when a comic revealing his origin was announced to be auctioned. The search for the comic made the General to meet Guy Gardner, who was his fan. To surprise of the disbeliever Gardner, the fragile old man, after reciting his oath, transformed into the legendary General Glory.

After discovering his idol real and alive, Guy Gardner tried to make him a new member of the Justice League of America, depiste the initial distrust of Maxwell Lord and J'onn J'onnz. However the General proved his abilities and powers fighting against an Überbot send by his tireless enemy, the Evil Eye. He was accepted by the League, only to be moments later, arrested by federal agents , under the charges of treason. Unable to confirm or denie if he was guilty because of his memory problems, the General surrender himself to the agents.

With the help of the Justice League America, General Glory discovered the circunstances of his amnesia and found how he was betrayed by his old ally Newkirk Sharp with the unvoluntary help of his old enemy, the Evil Eye. With his name clean, he joined the Justice League and was still a member until the International branch was disbanded.

Apocryphal adventures

Many of the adventures related to General Glory (most published in Justice League Quarterly) are possible to be fake, to keep his cover as an agent in the war front. That means than characters like Yellow Fang, Rick Feral, Betty Jean Watley and the agency BULWARK could not exist as the same as the General. Other tales, such as the one Jones told to his would be sucessor, Donovan Wallace, would also be considered to be apochryphal. However time travelers, as Booster Gold and Power Girl had meet him in action in different occasions, during WW2.

In a possible future witnessed by the time traveller Waverider, the General Glory was a pivotal element for the return of the Justice Leaguein the role of leader, as J'onn J'onnz had become a mystic guru and had retired of the public life.


The General continued as an active hero, helping the Justice League in others crisis. However after he helped the League to defeat the Overmaster, the change back to Joe Jones was too much for his fragile body and he suffered a heart attack.

In the hospital and feeling his time running out, Jones meet police officer Donovan Wallace who shared a hospital room with the dying Jones. The two men would become friends and before Jones died his powers were transferred to Wallace by Lady Liberty.

However, it is possible than the early death of Wallace caused the resurrection of Jones and his return to the General Glory role.


After Rebirth, General Glory has been show alive. Depiste his advanced age, it seems like Jones is again alive and active as the hero he used to be. This time however General Glory is in charge of secret operations, enlistenig the help of Red Hood, Bizarro and Artemis against the entities known as the Untitled.

The Outlaws and the General infiltrated themselves in Qurac to discover which were the Untitled plans, but the General was possessed by the creatures. The Outlaws couldnt' prevent the Untitled to open a door to the Chamber of All, In this no place, Jason Todd used an spiritual blade to freed the General of his possession. He the general revealed which was the Untitled plans: to freed the demon Trigon and with the access to the Chamber of All, give him power over all the realitites. The General and the Outlaws fought against the forces of Trigon but only the sacrifice of Bizarro they could escape and left the demon trapped away from earth. The General praised Bizarro's courage and returned to his undercover work.


Jones and Wallace become General Glory when pledging his life to Lady Liberty. As the General, Jones was at peak human performance, has superstrength and augmented agility. He also had the standart GI training and combat experience.

Jones also had a high capacity to make long speeches appealling to traditional american values, but not everyone consider that a superpower.


November 1990

January 1991

February 1991

March 1991

April 1991

May 1991

June 1991

July 1991

August 1991

September 1991

October 1991

November 1991

December 1991

January 1992

February 1992
















Died in issues





Friendly teams

Enemy teams