
Gaia Rothstein

Gaia Rothstein

Gaia Rothstein is a Wildstorm character from the "World's End" storyline; a Century Baby of the 21st century and the spirit of the Earth.

Gaia Rothstein
Real name:
Gaia Rothstein
Birth date:
  • Astral Projection
  • Berserker Strength
  • Earth Manipulation
  • Empathy
  • Matter Absorption
  • Plant Control
  • Sand manipulation
  • Shape Shifter
  • Size Manipulation
  • Super Strength

Gaia Rothstein was a century baby with a connection to the earth spirit of the Wildstorm Universe. However when the end of the world happenned, the pain suffered by the planet drove Gaia into madness and pushed her to hide herself in a protective form. This form manifested first in a titanic unstoppable destructive monster who wander the planet, stompping everything in his wake. The surviving heroes, as Stormwatch, were uncapable of stop her so they only could eveacuate the people in her path to save them of her path.

Eventually Gaia was contacted in astral form by the last Doctor, Habib, who also was mentally severely damaged by the agony of the earth. The pain has drove Habib mad and took control of Gaia powers, forced her giant form in sleep, diguised as an island, searching to use her power to erase what was left of mankind. Gaia seek the help of Midnighter to stop Habib. In a act of gratitude for his help, Gaia gave Midnighter a fruti to cure Apollo from the Warhol infection he had suffered. Gaia left with the promise to find the Doctor and help him.

However Gaia eventually fell again under the control of another force, this time the magician Jeremiah Cain, trapped in astral form in extradimensional planes of existence. Freed by the intervention of Gaia, Cain diguised himself as Aeon, who under the justification of saving the universe whas trying to destroy the earth which was generating a leaking of magical power. As her connection to earth was so strong, Voodoo and the resurrected Sir Edwin Makepeace, a previous Doctor, discovered than the Garden of Ancestral Memory was almost destroyed by her activities. However as the heroes were able to stop Cain, Gaia was still uncontrolable. Only when Swift was designed as new Doctor, she was aable to reach the mind of Gaia and send her to the restored Garden of Ancestral Memory where she could heal under the care of all previous Doctors.


October 2008

October 2009

December 2009

January 2010

February 2010

November 2010

December 2010

January 2011

February 2011





