
Donna Parker

Donna Parker

Donna Parker was the Green Lantern of Earth (temporarily).

Donna Parker
Real name:
Donna Parker
  • The Green Lantern
Birth date:
  • Astral Projection
  • Blast Power
  • Energy Absorption
  • Energy-Enhanced Strike
  • Energy Manipulation
  • Flight
  • Force Field
  • Holographic Projection
  • Light Projection
  • Phasing / Ghost
  • Power Item
  • Teleport
  • Willpower-Based Constructs

Green Lantern

Status: Temporary

Space Sector: 2814 (specifically Earth)

Sector Partner: served temporarily during Abin Sur's tenure

Homeworld: Earth

Predecessor: Inapplicable

Successor: Inapplicable


Donna Parker was a school teacher in the early 1950's Nebraska and a mother of three. Although her husband had been killed serving in the Korean War, Donna was a strong woman who cared and provided for her children on her own. It was this strength which first caught the attention of the Guardians of the Universe.

Despite the fact that the legendary Abin Sur protected Space Sector 2814, the Guardians were concerned enough over Earth's early experimentation with nuclear weaponry, that they considered appointing a Green Lantern solely to protect humanity from destroying itself. The Guardians believed that humanity had not proven itself responsible enough to wield such power, necessitating their direct involvement. Donna Parker was chosen among all others to be the Green Lantern of Earth and combat the growing threat of nuclear war.

Donna was approached by the Guardians and offered the great honor of joining the Green Lantern Corps. Although she was amazed by the power of a Green Lantern, Donna declined the offer, explaining that her children needed her more. The Guardians seemingly abandoned the plan to appoint a Lantern exclusively to Earth. The planet would not see another human join the ranks of the Green Lantern Corps until Hal Jordan was chosen by the mortally wounded Abin Sur.

Presumably, Donna Parker continued to live a happy life in Nebraska with her children; her current status is unknown.


March 1993




