
Doctor Hate

Doctor Hate

Scientist who apparently altered the Prince's past.

Doctor Hate
Real name:
Dr. Muriel Hass
  • Doctor Muriel Hass
Birth date:
  • Intellect
  • Time Manipulation

Dr. Muriel Hass is the Prince's mother and she seduced a man named Martin Jefferson, the Prince's father who in another reality is a near-omnipotent being known as Regal. Before Hitler invaded Poland, Regal got his powers during a hiking trip where he was struck by a burst of tachyon energy from a quantum process which came from New Earth. In the alternate reality, Regal helped put an end to Per Degaton when he first came into conflict with the JSA. Afterwards, Regal raised the Prince away from an alternate Dr. Hass and the Prince would later marry Judomaster. Unfortunately, Regal dies during a conflict with Darkseid.

However, on New Earth, Dr. Hass has altered Regal's reality in order to erase Regal from existence. This was brough on by the unstable branes' decay or condensation from a zero-point energy manipulator. Dr. Hass contracted a zero-point energy manipulator from a splinter group of HIVE. The manipulator causes photons to interact with one another to reach total convergence thereby altering a point in an alternate reality or sending a quantum pulse which transformed Regal. The Prince heads toward Dr. Hass' secluded island to undo his mother's interference.

Power Girl pins the Prince on the rooftop of Hass' lab. Doctor Hass introduces herself to the JSA All Stars and explains the true origin of the Prince. The Prince of New Earth is completely different from the Prince of an alternate reality. The Prince is Dr. Hass' son but on New Earth, the Prince never knew his actual father and Dr. Hass' work in quantum mechanics distracted her from her son's mental instability. When the Prince turned nineteen, his schizophrenic behavior became more apparent to Dr. Hass so she had him committed. However, Dr. Hass began to hypothesize that the Prince's delusions might be his metagenetic powers out of control.

The Prince's powers have caught him in some kind of quantum discrepancy. The Prince's powers act on a subatomic level in which he can see the outcome of quantum events from alternate realities. This would explain the Prince's current crisis of reality because he believes after seeing an cataclysmic event from an alternate reality, that his father Regal has been erased from existence and Judomaster was killed. Dr. Hass presents the possibilty of a bifurcation where on New Earth, Martin Jefferson led an ordinary life after meeting Dr. Hass but in an alternate reality, Regal was born because Dr. Hass' zero-point energy manipulator sent the quantum pulse into Regal's reality to create Regal thereby creating an alternate reality by herself. This revelation caused the Prince's schizophrenic behavior to go out of control so in retaliation, the Prince uses his laser eye beams to incenerate Dr. Hass' head thus killing her.                      


June 2011

July 2011



Died in issues


