
Darwin Elias

Darwin Elias

A research scientist who helps The Flash expand and master his powers.

Darwin Elias
Real name:
Darwin Elias
  • Dr. Elias
Birth date:
  • Intellect
First issue:


Darwin Elias was created by The Flash co-writers Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato.


Major Story Arcs

Mob Rule

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Barry Allen first comes in contact with Darwin Elias at a science exhibit where Mob Rule tries to steal a genome recorder that Elias invented. Barry manages to stop Mob Rule as the Flash, but is troubled at finding that one of Mob Rule's members seems to be his old friend Manuel Lago. Barry returns Elias' invention, and would later confide in the Doctor, discussing the events of the robbery. Elias welcomes the discussion of the events, but would also take a scientific interest in The Flash. Later, he runs some tests on The Flash, monitoring his brain activity while tapped into the Speed Force. Elias points out that while Barry is able to physically take advantage of the Speed Force, his mind is not doing the same, and suggests that he practice trying to think as fast as he can run. Barry manages to do so, having his mind slow down the world around him, allowing him to view events before they happen, and predict every variable and outcome.

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He eventually takes credit for restoring power back in Central city and turns popular opinion against the Flash just to see what it would take, and gave the Rogues super-powers just to see what would happen. This causes him to come into conflict with the Flash over his ethics. He wants to gain control of the Speed Force so he can use it to change the world in a more effective manner than the Flash.He eventually tries to put a stop to both Flash and Reverse Flash, seeing them as reckless and destructive, but fails in doing so.

Powers and Abilities

Darwin is a regular human with no superpowers. He has an advanced knowledge of scientific concepts and is extremely wealthy.


November 2011

December 2011

January 2012

February 2012

March 2012

April 2012

May 2012

July 2012

August 2012

September 2012

October 2012

January 2013

February 2013

April 2013

September 2013

October 2013

December 2013





