
Darla Aquista

Darla Aquista

Young daughter of a Gotham mafia boss who was resurrected with incredible magical powers.

Darla Aquista
Real name:
Darla Aquista
  • Laura Fell
  • Laurie
  • Miss Fell
  • Warlock's Daughter
Birth date:
  • Agility
  • Blast Power
  • Energy Shield
  • Flight
  • Force Field
  • Magic
  • Stamina

Darla Aquista is the daughter of Henry Aquista, a Mafia boss in Gotham and disapproves of his criminal background. She was a junior at Louis E. Grieve Memorial High School the same school as Tim Drake. Since her jock friends intimidate Tim's friend at the school, Bernard, he walks up to them and offers for them to beat him up so he can get a free chance to talk to her. Tim wins the kids over and, they get something to eat. When Bernard takes his chance to talk to Darla, she shows interest in Tim.

She is next seen arguing with her father, about how she thinks that Tim is afraid to ask her out because of her father's Mafia connections. Henry is called by Johnny Warlock, asking him to create a crime wave to draw Robin out.

Later Tim's father forces him to stop being Robin while someone known as the Scarab is looking for Robin. As Spoiler is monitoring Tim at school, she sees Darla kissing him and gets angry, and leaves, but Tim tells Darla his relationship with Stephanie, and she gets angry, and walks away crying, thinking that he does not like her.

When a rival gang attacks Darla's car and pulls her out of it, Tim saves her and sends her off towards a group of kids as he takes care of the gang members. However, Darla is killed by a bullet from an unknown shooter.

Her father travels the world with her corpse, looking for a way to resurrect her. He eventually comes back to Johnny Warlock, who he meets overseas. Johnny trades Henry's life for Darla's. She climbs out of the casket, reborn as Warlock's Daughter. She is next seen in an airport in Istanbul preparing to fly to Gotham. Shortly after, we see Bernard, Tim's friend, driving in his car, which lifts off the ground. It is Warlock's Daughter, looking for Tim Drake, levitating the vehicle. She reveals that she now uses the name Laura Fell. She needs to find Tim to help her decide whether to be a super-hero or a villain. She finds Tim relling him they can be together, if she kills Robin to repay her debt. Tim has Superboy pose as Robin to fool Laura. "Robin" appears, and Laura attacks Superboy. He survives, but is seriously injured, due to his vulnerability to magic.

Laura appears while the Blüdhaven is under siege from OMACs and Johnny Warlock takes her to safety. Robin arrives with the Veteran’s team and Johnny attacks Laura for failing to kill him. Robin stands Johnny down due to Johnny’s belief that Robin is too powerful for him. After the standoff, Robin finds that Laura is gone. Along with the Shadowpact, Robin tries to find Laura. They eventually find her, Robin suggests she join the Shadowpact, and promises to go tell Tim Drake. Another group of escaped villains then attacks them. She defeats the villains surrounding them by unleashing a great deal of power and saves a drowning Robin by use of CPR.

After the Shadowpact are freed from a barrier were they were imprisoned for a year while only a few days passed to them she was sentenced to year in the Dark Tower. She joins te team in the quest to get Blue Devil's trident out of Hell and is currently being trained in magic by Enchantress.


February 2004

March 2004

June 2004

July 2004

August 2004

October 2004

November 2004

June 2005

July 2005

August 2005

September 2005

October 2005

December 2005

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August 2007

November 2007

December 2007

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June 2008

July 2008

April 2011










