


Clockwerx is an Old God from a time before even the New Gods can recall. He nurtures the Tree of reality, and found a friend in the Dog of war, Orion.

Real name:
Birth date:
Clockwerx & Orion
Clockwerx & Orion

'The Source of the problem'

Originally from a time even before the Eternal New Gods, Clockwerx lived as a normal being in his universe. After killing his brother, he woke up in a timeless dimension where there was nothing but the tree of reality. This Tree nurtured the entirety of reality so he used his powers to nurture the tree and assist in watching over everything (controling the stars at night for the universe)

Giant chained with ropes that spin universes
Giant chained with ropes that spin universes

While caught up in the timeless nurturing of the universe, he was blindsided by the Ecruos... enemies of the Source's creation . Going from universe to universe, the found Clockwerx tending to the tree and blindsided him, binding the giant to the tree that will only let him free if he or they themselves die. Clockwerx remained bound for countless years until Orion with the ALE found himself stranded on the Abysmal plane and starting fighting with the Ecruos underlings. Eventually stumbling upon Clockwerx, he gave the giant some water and Clockwerx explained how he got in this position.... and how the Ecruos had decided it was time for all of existence to cease.

Cosmic axis of which all time flows
Cosmic axis of which all time flows

'Freedoom vs Oppressive unity'

As they talked, Clockwerx felt the Planets, Suns, and even galaxies being destroyed as the Ecruos uprooted the tree. Understanding the problem, Orion asks the giant why he could not kill the enemy of the Source earlier, and the giant tells him Orion was blindsided. It was all on Orion, and he was up to the task. Orion took the fight to the Ecruos while Clockwerx sat waiting for either his end or the end of the Ecruos. The end came, as Orion used the ALE to bring ultimate order to the chaos of death and they cancelled each other out saving the universe and the tree of all time.

Seeking out Orion, he realizes he is too big to explore the tree without destroying the universe so he sends a portal to locate the New God. Clockwerx heals the young God and is amazed at his strength a tenacity, calling him the Son of Darkseid & Child of Highfather. He send Orion home, not wanting him to be forgotten in a place of timelessness, especially since he saved all time.

Casual control over the stars
Casual control over the stars

Powers and abilities:

Clockwerx is a God of mysterious origin but with amazing powers. He can:

  • Control all the stars in space, altering them to his liking
  • Had to be bound by equipment meant to hold universes
  • If he climbed the tree of all time looking for Orion, he could destroy the universe due to his size


September 2001

October 2001

November 2001


