
China White

China White

In DC Universe Rebirth, Chien Na Wei (aka: China While) is the leader of the China White Triad; agents of All-Yang, and enemies of the Justice League of China. Pre-New 52, she was the leader of a heroin cartel on an unnamed island who came into conflict with Green Arrow when he was first starting out.

China White
Real name:
Chien Na Wei
  • China White
  • Queen of the Pacific Rim
Birth date:
  • Insanely Rich
  • Intellect
  • Leadership
  • Marksmanship
  • Stamina
  • Stealth
  • Unarmed Combat

New Super-Man and the Justice League of China

The China White Triad
The China White Triad

China White, now leading a team she's started to call the China White Triad, tricked Avery Ho, a Chinese-American speedster from Central City, into helping her break into LexCorp to steal a demon gate at the behest of All-Yang (the living embodiment of yang, or, in English, selfish intent).

China White and her team, including Avery, Snakepit, and Strato the Cloud Man, got into a fight with Superman, The Super-Man of China, and Lex Luthor.

During the battle, Avery Ho defected from her team to help the two Supers and prevent the demon gate from being used for bad ends.

China White from New Super-Man
China White from New Super-Man

China White and her remaining team made their escape and Avery went on to become The Flash of China.

Later, China White and her Triad, still working for All-Yang, found Sorcerer Monk Fahai, frozen as a stone statue under the ocean, and brought him back up to the surface, freeing him. Fahai was infected with the Doomsday virus and turned into a, um... giant Doomsday turtle actually (way less funny if you actually had to meat one than if you just say it out loud, one would imagine).

Fahai the Doomsday turtle then, predictably, attacked Japan. He was looking for Wonder-Woman, becasue they were old enemies. Wonder-Woman and the Justice League of China defeated Fahai in the end of course.

China and her Triad again got away.

Green Arrow

China White from Green Arrow: Year One
China White from Green Arrow: Year One

China White is the leader of a heroin cartel. Her opium fields and refinery were on an unnamed island.

She had enslaved the natives of the island to work for her. She supplied the bulk of heroin for Pacific Rim.

Though her real name is Chien Na-Wei, and everyone calls her this, except Oliver Queen, who when Hackett first mentioned her, he mistakenly called her China White, and he continued to use this name for her.

Hackett initially tells Ollie that she was building resorts in Fiji, and that Ollie should invest 14 million dollars in to this production. But really Hackett was working with her and was getting Ollie's money to fund her drug operations.

She killed Hackett, when he was fighting Oliver, as she had promised she would if he did not kill Oliver.

She has said to Oliver that she does not have a heart, acknowledging her own cruelty. She was stopped and arrested by Oliver Queen, with the help of Taiana, and inhabitant of the island.

Arrow Television Series

China White from Arrow
China White from Arrow

Kelly Hu portrays China White in the Arrow live-action series. China White is the leader of The Triads in Starling City. China has been working with an export magnate named Martin Somers.

Somers handles The Triads drug exports and imports and in return China keeps Somers rich as well as protected. Unfortunately for Somers, Ollie has reason to believe that Somers may have been one of the conspirators who orchestrated the attempted assassination on him and the murder of his father. Arrow confronts Somers with his latest involvement in the murder of a young girl's father but Ollie fails to apprehend him.

Somers contacts China White to take out the Arrow and deal with Dinah Lance who is prosecuting Somers. Arrow takes another shot at Somers after China tried to murder Dinah in her apartment. Ollie makes Somers confess to the murder and combats China to a standstill.


October 2007

November 2007

May 2017

June 2017

July 2017

August 2017

September 2017

October 2017

November 2017

December 2017








Enemy teams