
Charlotte Rivers

Charlotte Rivers

TV anchorwoman who has a romantic relation with Bruce Wayne.

Charlotte Rivers
Real name:
Charlotte Rivers
  • Charlotte Rivers
Birth date:
  • Intellect


Charlotte is the daughter of Gotham's Mayor Hady, though she chooses to hide that fact from everyone she knows. Her twin sister, Jill Hampton, was separated from her at a young age. She is a well-respected and established investigative reporter.


Charlotte Rivers was created by Detective Comics writer Tony Daniel. She is first mentioned in issue #1 but her first appearance was in issue #2 in 2011.

Major Story Arcs

Detective Comics: Faces of Death- Dollmaker

Bruce Wayne stood Charlotte up for multiple quiet weekend dates, so Charlotte took matters into her own hands and showed up at Wayne Towers without warning. The couple have a romantic moment before Bruce promises that the next weekend would be their quiet one. Later, while Batman is trying to find the Dollmaker and Commissioner Gordon, Charlotte puts her reporter skills to the test trying to get Harvey Bullock to give her some news about Gordon's fate. After Batman stops the Dollmaker and saves Gordon, Bruce finally fulfills his promise to Charlotte and takes her to her family's lake side cabin for a romantic weekend.

Detective Comics: Faces of Death- Penguin

During the grand opening of the Iceberg Casino, Charlotte and Bruce Wayne are invited by Hugh Marder to be his guests. Batman is needed elsewhere, so Bruce can't make it, but Charlotte goes with the intent of doing some undercover reporting on the Penguin and to stop her sister, Jill Hampton, from doing something illegal. While snooping around, Charlotte is jumped by Snakeskin who is working with Jill. Snakeskin stabs Charlotte but doesn't manage to kill her before Batman swoops in and saves her. Batman arranges for an unconscious and bleeding Charlotte to be taken to the hospital. While Charlotte is being stabilized, Batman stops Jill from making a deadly mistake.

Detective Comics: Scare Tactics

For more information see: Detective Comics #10

When Bruce comes to see Charlotte in the hospital, she tells him she needs space and is moving to Paris for a while. Though Bruce wants to stay and convince her to remain in Gotham, his Batman duties call and he rushes off without saying goodbye.

Powers and Abilities

Though Charlotte is proven to be a skilled journalist, with other complementary skills such as disguise and infiltration, she has no supernatural abilities.


December 2011

January 2012

February 2012

March 2012

April 2012

May 2012

August 2012




