
Carrie Kelley

Carrie Kelley

In the Dark Knight Returns, Carrie Kelley sought out Batman and earned the right to fight alongside him as Robin using her home made costume. She later took up the mantles of Catgirl, Batman, Batgirl, and Batwoman.

Carrie Kelley
Real name:
Caroline Keene Kelley
  • Robin
  • Catgirl
  • Carrie Gordon
  • Caroline Keene Kelley
  • Batman
  • Dr. Dedalus
  • Doctor Dedalus
  • Doctor Daedalus
  • Batgirl
  • Batwoman
Birth date:
  • Agility
  • Claws
  • Gadgets
  • Intellect
  • Marksmanship
  • Stamina
  • Stealth
  • Tracking
  • Unarmed Combat
  • Weapon Master


Caroline "Carrie" Keene Kelly

In The Dark Knight Universe, Caroline "Carrie" Keene Kelly was just thirteen years old when she was rescued by Batman from a merciless gang of street thugs. The girl idolized the Dark Knight, and secretly spent her lunch money to buy a costume in the hopes of one day catching her hero's attention, in order to become his sidekick. Armed with a slingshot and firecrackers, Carrie targeted con men, and eventually crossed paths with her idol. After saving Batman during a vicious fight with a gang known as The Mutants, the Dark Knight accepted her as the new Robin.


Carrie was created by Frank Miller and her first appearance was in what some believe to be the best Batman story created: The Dark Knight Returns. She appears in first issue of this limited series story.

Character Evolution

The Dark Knight Universe

The Dark Knight Universe - Robin
The Dark Knight Universe - Robin

Carrie Kelley sought out Batman and earned the right to fight alongside him as Robin using her home made costume. She later took up the mantle of Catgirl.

The New 52 / Prime Earth

Prime Earth - Carrie Kelley
Prime Earth - Carrie Kelley

In the wake of the tragic event of Damian Wayne death by the clone of him in Batman INC series. Carrie Kelley knew Damian Wayne from some dance or karate class. Carrie Kelley came by the Wayne house to drop some videos for Damian. She rang the bell and no one answer the door and she left a note for Damian to watch the films for the next class to see him. She left and she could not wait that long and she had things to do and care for. Bruce Wayne came to see her and gave her the tapes back and he left because she was having a superhero party in her house and Bruce Wayne did not want to tell her that he had passed away. A week later after Batman was taking care of fighting crime and wanting to bring his son back to life and failed.

Major Story Arc

The Dark Knight Universe:

The Dark Knight Strikes Again

Catgirl and Batman
Catgirl and Batman

Three years later, Carrie now goes by Catgirl, and is still Batman's trusted second-in-command. Now costumed in a leopard-print bodysuit complete with motorized skates, and an arm cannon that fired batarangs, Catgirl's primary duty was to oversee the Sons of Batman. They fought to save a world ruled by the tyrants Lex Luthor, and Brainiac. They helped to free heroes such as the Atom, Flash, and Plastic Man from unlawful imprisonment. Unfortunately, Catgirl severely wounded a Batboy that had murdered a pair of police officers, but subsequently broke down, and was offered a shoulder to cry on by Batman.

Later, Catgirl would attempt to take the life of the new Joker, eventually revealed to be a now homicidal Dick Grayson. Using acid, thermite, C4, and arrows, the Joker still managed to severely wound Catgirl's face. Believing that she was going to die, she admitted to the Dark Knight that she loved him. Ralph Dibny, also known as The Elongated Man, then rescued Catgirl while Batman put an end to the new Joker, once and for all.

The New 52 / Prime Earth:

Death of Damian

Carrie meets Bruce Wayne
Carrie meets Bruce Wayne

Carrie Kelley and her friend where playing a video game on boxing on the XBOX kit system and they talked about Damian and that she had missed talking to him in class and all of a sudden a voice said to her. You have paid your rent on time and always it was Bruce Wayne talking to her. Bruce Wayne said that he needs her to go to the bank with him tomorrow to dropped of a check of money for lesson in class with Bruce Wayne at his Wayne Manor. Carrie Kelley was seen in the Wayne Manor talking to Bruce Wayne about what happened to Damian and that she need him for his acting lessons. They talked for a while until Bruce Wayne told her it was time for her to leave the Wayne Manor and that he had things to handle by himself to take care of.

Carrie Kelley left the Wayne Manor and said to Bruce Wayne that you should show some respect for your son and care for him. Carrie Kelley said to Bruce Wayne you ruined my plans without Damian here to see this and she left to Wayne Manor and Bruce Wayne left to take care of some stuff that need to be done. Carrie Kelley was hired by Alfred Pennyworth to look after Bruce Wayne dog and feed it and take care of the house. Bruce Wayne did not like the idea at all and Bruce Wayne got mad at Alfred and told him Why don't you feed the dog any more for? Alfred said it is not his cup of tea and that she was hired to take care of the dog and takes it for walks and take care of it and keep it company.

Bruce Wayne left the room and Carrie Kelley gave Bruce Wayne a disk drive copy to give to Damian Wayne and that she miss him a lot. Bruce Wayne took the disk drive and left. Carrie Kelley left to her other job and at the movie theater as a ticket girl. Carrie Kelley came back home and her friend told her that she has a message on the phone. Carrie Kelley answered the phone and it was Damian on a voice recorder and that he was traveling the world to Japan to New Zealand and that he was sorry he was not telling her that he was going away for a long time and the they would keep in touch by E-mail. Carrie Kelley was happy to hear how he was doing and things where going to get better for her in years to come.

Powers And Abilities

Carrie Kelley is a proficient martial artist and gymnast, skilled in the usage of a variety of conventional weaponry. An above-average athlete, she is in peak physical condition.


  • Motorized Skates - Grants Catgirl exceptional speed
  • Arm Cannon - Fires non-lethal "batarangs" to incapacitate her foes

Character Profile

  • Height: 5'9"
  • Weight: 140 lbs
  • Eye Color: Green
  • Hair Color: Red
  • Citizenship: American
  • Place of Birth: Gotham City
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Occupation: Sidekick
  • Base of Operations: Gotham City

Other Version

Ame-Comi Girls

Ame-Comi Robin
Ame-Comi Robin

Carrie appears on the new DC Comics Digital series and first appeared in Ame-Comi II: Batgirl #1. In this universe Carrie is Barbara Gordon's cousin and James Gordon's niece. She's also known as Robin, Batgirl's sidekick.

The Batman and Robin Adventures

In the issue of The Batman and Robin Adventures #6, Batman and Robin are on top of police's roof with Harvey Bullock and Commissioner Gordon. When all of sudden in flash of bright lights, Carrie appears dressed as Robin from the Dark Knight. She then arrested by Bullock and Gordon.

Other Media

The New Batman Adventures

Robin in
Robin in "Legends of the Dark Knight"

In the episode "Legends of the Dark Knight", a girl named Carrie, who closely resembles Carrie Kelley, is one of three children telling their interpretations of Batman. The story she tells is an adaptation of the scene in which Batman battles the mutants in Frank Miller's Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, and includes herself as Carrie/Robin. She is voiced by Anndi McAfee .

The Dark Knight Returns: Part One

The Dark Knight Returns: Part One
The Dark Knight Returns: Part One

Carrie is set to appear in the first part of the animated comic book movie The Dark Knight Returns. She'll be voiced by Modern Family's actress Ariel Winter.

The Dark Knight Returns: Part Two

The Dark Knight Returns: Part Two
The Dark Knight Returns: Part Two

As well as part one she is featured in the second part of this 2 part movie.

Gotham Knights

No Caption Provided

Navia Robinson plays Carrie Kelley in Gotham Knights.


February 1986

July 1986

August 1986

September 1986

December 1986

January 2001

December 2001

January 2002

July 2002

January 2012

June 2012

July 2012

August 2012

September 2012

October 2012

December 2012

January 2013

February 2013

June 2013

July 2013

September 2013













