
Brock Blueheart

Brock Blueheart

Secretary for Rose Red on the farm. He has recently created a new religion centered around Boy Blue.

Brock Blueheart
Real name:
  • Captain Blueheart
  • Stinky
Birth date:
  • Berserker Strength
  • Leadership
  • Size Manipulation


Brock Blueheart a.k.a. "Stinky," a badger. May be the Badger from The Wind in the Willows. Though he is usually referred to as "Stinky" (even in the "Who's Who In Fabletown" section of every volume), he specifically stated on several occasions that it is not his real name (while "Brock Blueheart" was invented in memory of Little Boy Blue).

Major Story Arcs

Great Fables Crossover

After Boy Blue's death, Brock and some of the Farm Fables have gone somewhat, delusional (mostly because of Brock's rants) believing he'll be resurrected and become some-sort of Messiah. Thus as Clara has stated, started a cult of sorts. This becomes more riotous during the Fable Crossover when Jack and Rose Red have loud sex. Brock, very unaware how Rose was before she came to the Farm, believed that Rose was Blue's true love and insanely thought Jack was Boy Blue's reincarnation and even made him wear a blue scarf. He even gets the other animal Fables to attack Jack Frost (Jack's son) believing him to be bad. Despite Beauty's best and easiest attempts to explain Red's troubled past, Brock and the others quickly turn on her and try to hurt her and Jack. While Red is hidden safely at Wolf Manor, Jack returns to the Farm only to be kicked out by Brock and the others.

Rose Red

Brock transformed
Brock transformed

With Rose Red still in a near comatose state and refusing to take leadership of the Farm, Brock and his Cult of Blue are one of the forces that rises up to fill the power vacuum (the other contender being Geppetto). The two prospective leaders meet with Ozma to discuss a truce, where Geppetto's bodyguard Prince Aspen insults Brock. In a rage, Brock transforms into a hulking badger bearing armor and a hammer, however, his new powers are quickly outmatched by the dryad. With the Fables' allegiance almost equally split, Brock seems to have a decent change of wresting leadership until Rose comes to her senses through the help of Colin's ghost. Although she quickly takes back the reins, she decides to restructure the leadership to include both Brock and Geppetto.

Although the North Wind technically defeated and killed Mr. Dark, Stinky's still under the illusion that Boy Blue's still a cult figure and that he killed Mr. Dark.


Recently Brock has displayed the ability to transform into a giant badger (about twice the height of a normal human being and three times as wide). When he changes, he is endowed with gauntlets, epaulets, and a large hammer. Prince Aspen said that his new powers are grounded in the religious beliefs that he is helping to cultivate, and are therefore weaker than that of an established fairy tale.


December 2002

April 2003

August 2003

June 2004

July 2004

September 2004

January 2005

February 2005

October 2006

June 2007

April 2008

March 2009

May 2009

June 2009

July 2009

August 2009

October 2009

February 2010

October 2010

November 2010

January 2011

June 2011

August 2011

February 2012

March 2013

April 2013

May 2013

July 2013

August 2013

September 2013









