
Bobby Gilmour

Bobby Gilmour

Bobby Gilmour is the son of the madman, Charlie Gilmour and was intended by Fenris to be part of the sacrifice that would end creation.

Bobby Gilmour
Real name:
Bobby Gilmour
  • Bobby
  • Robert
Birth date:

After Charlie Gilmour makes it to Yggdrasil, providing a way for the Abonsam, Bet and Fenris to get there unharmed, they fulfill their promise in letting him see his wife and child again, though he no longer remembers their names. It is than that Abonsam reveals Charlie never killed his wife and child and that in fact he had replaced them with life-like clay beings, and put the real Bobby and Sarah in his bag. So, he now takes them out and lays them on the floor, offering them to Charlie, with a small string attached of course.

At the roots of Yggdrasil, a woman lay on her side, clutching her son, Bobby, to her chest. Both were still and motionless, unaware that standing over them was their husband and father Charlie. He was holding a mighty sword in his hands whilst Fenris whispered into his ear to slay his wife and child, seeing as he would have done so already if not for Abonsam's intervention. Charlie of course does not want to slay either of them, but he learns that the reason he is supposed to is because slaying your own kin is Fyrir Haft, "the first and worst of all crimes, the breach through which nature bleeds". It than becomes clear that Bobby and his mother were but pawns in The Wolf's scheme to end creation, their deaths meant to bring an end to everything...but throughout all of this she is unconscious and knows not what is going on.

But their lives are spared, at least temporarily, as Fenris is called away from his whispering to Charlie to deal with more important matters, but hope is still out of reach as he leaves Bet Jo'gie, the seductress, to convince Charlie that slaying his wife and son is the right thing to do. Toying with his sick mind, she begins to use her pheromones to conquer him, telling him if he should do as he's told, than the bodies of his wife and son will become the bed he and her couple upon. This pleases him greatly and his eyes widen as he begins exclaiming, "Oh yes! God yes!" It seems like all is at an end for Sarah and Bobby, and they won't even know what happened, but that was not their destined end, for instead of slaying them, Charlie slices Bet Jo'gie into shreds with the sword, saving his family that he loves so dearly.

This seems to be what awakens Sarah and Bobby but he remains silent as she calls out to her husband, he is afraid but seems unable to make a sound. Fenris of course spoils this reunion as he tells the Gilmour family that the dream they are having is their lives and that they will wake to nothing, and begins approaching the three. Charlie steps in front of his family, bravely preserving their lives until we realize Fenris was out to kill Charlie rather and he cuts him down before Bobby's eyes, telling his mother, "Do not mourn him, woman. In this time of endings, he is merely gone a little way before."

Sarah is then left in utter confusion, holding Bobby, with no one to explain things to her, to guide her, leaving her frightened and unable to do anything to stop what is happening, she begs Lucifer (not knowing who he is) to get her and her son out of Yggdrasil because he cannot take much more, but he tells her she should simply wait a little longer, for all may become meaningless soon anyway, concerning Michael's death. And when Michael does die, the Dunamis Demiurgos is released, consuming all around the tree...him included, leaving his fate, for the time at least, unknown.


August 2004

September 2004

October 2004

November 2004

February 2005

August 2005



