
Black Wind

Black Wind

Tai'Darshan is a metahuman from the Sakuri Lions, an armed faction fighting against the goverment in Tarakstan. Was trained and tested on in russian laboratories to be the great fighter he is today.

Black Wind
Real name:
Birth date:
First issue:


When Tai'Darshan was a small boy in Tarakstan, he was taken to a Russian laboratory. There he was experimented, given Metahuman powers. They ran tests on him until his escape. That was when he met the Sakuri Lions- an armed faction fighting against the Government of Tarakstan.

At this time he vowed to bring justice to the people who harmed his home country of Tarakstan, and took up the code name Black Wind.

When the child falls silent and the rivers die,
When the mother's milk has all run dry,
When father hides his daughter's face,
The seed unsown, The grass unmown,
When young men bow before their foe,
Backs bent with shame, The Lion tamed,
When evil walks the sunlit streets,
When hope is gone, When all is lost,
The Black Wind comes
-Ta'Darshan, The Black Wind


Tai' was created by Dylan Horrocks for his run on Batgirl.

Major Story Arcs

Black Wind

For more information see Batgirl #39

Tai' comes to Gotham City seeking Vilom Narmali, a wealthy Tarakstan who killed a whole village to get the rights to their land so he could drill for the oil beneath it. While trying to get to Vilom while he was at a party, Tai and his men are confronted by Batgirl. Tai is able to escape but he is not able to get to Valiom.

Tai and his men then seek on a cruise ship that Vilom is also on. Unluckly for Tai' Batgirl is also aboard. He tries to reason with her that Vilom is an evil man, but Batgirl has sense of justice different then his. When Tai's men attack Vilom, Batgirl with the help of Superboy attempt to stop him.

It isn't until Ludo, Vilom's bodyguard, gets involved that Tai is truly defeated. Tai is turned over to the police, but he escapes later that night, and flees back to Taraskan once again.


Tai is an excellent fighter and has superhuman strength.


June 2003

July 2003

August 2003



