
Auntie Blodwyn

Auntie Blodwyn

Highly idiosyncratic aunt of Tim Hunter.

Auntie Blodwyn
Real name:
Birth date:


Auntie Blodwyn was first briefly mentioned in issue 2 of the Books of Magic miniseries, written by Neil Gaiman and illustrated by Scott Hampton in 1990. She was then next mentioned in the main volume of The Books of Magic in issue 25 in 1996, which was written by John Ney Rieber. She first appeared on panel in issue 45, written by Rieber and drawn by Peter Gross.

Major Story Arcs

Auntie Blodwyn is Tim Hunter's fanciful, independent-minded aunt. She collects porcelain Pekingese dogs.

She was first mentioned in a phone call between Tim and his father Bill, where, because of magical influence, Bill thinks Tim is in Brighton staying with Blodwyn instead of San Francisco.

She is next mentioned in flashback where Tim remembered going to the shore at Brighton as a kid. Blodwyn had made up a story about how they couldn't go on the pier because of cannibal pirates.

Many years later, Tim's dad Bill prepares to marry Holly Ransome. Auntie Blodwyn shows up at the ceremony, and asks Tim (actually a changeling that looks like Tim) a number of odd questions, implying a wild life, as they go in. She wears a veil, and her face is shown in shadows from the brim of her hat; for a while in this series she is a mystery figure.

When the real Tim shows up and various magical events occur, she blames aliens but seems invested in actively protecting her family.

Things are eventually resolved and the wedding continues. At the reception, Blodwyn leads the bunny hop dance, with a literal angel dancing right behind her.

Much later, Holly dies and Blodwyn comes to her funeral. This time, she does not wear a veil and her face is revealed. She and Tim talk about how she wore yellow to his original mother's funeral to bring some light into the event.

When asked what side of the family Blodwyn is from, Tim responds, "The eccentric side. She just comes out for weddings and funerals."

Tim later decides to go to Brighton when he's on the run, hoping to stay with Blodwyn, but he is kidnapped by some criminals who blackmail him by threatening Auntie Blodwyn.


February 1998

March 1998

March 1999


