
Astrild Storm-Daughter

Astrild Storm-Daughter

A former Goddess of her own planet, Varidian, she changed sides and swore allegiance to Starro, when her own populace was destroyed.

Astrild Storm-Daughter
Real name:
Birth date:
  • Agility
  • Blast Power
  • Flight
  • Heat Vision
  • Invulnerability
  • Siphon Lifeforce
  • Super Strength
  • Weather Control


Astrild Storm-Daughter makes her debut
Astrild Storm-Daughter makes her debut

Astrild is a bio-mancer that draws on the collective life forces of her planet. This was the wellspring of her power but the drawback was that her power would cause other things to die. When Starro attacked her planet, Astrild inadvertently drained the life-force of her people as well as the planet to make her strong enough to defeat Starro. Her strategy failed, Starro survived and Astrild only succeeded in destroyed her own planet. She made herself the last Varidian and a reluctant servant of Starro. Astrild makes her presence known to the R.E.B.E.L.S. when the Omega Men destroyed Dox's biological computer Silica, who was being controlled by Starro.

Later, after the apparent death of Starro, Astrild emerged alongside a man called Smite, both the willing servants of Starro, seeking his rebirth. Being revealed that they alone willingly served Starro without the need for probes. Coming into conflict with the REBELS again however proved to be fatal for Astrild as she initially fooled Lobo's scent of smell into thinking she was a Czarnian (which would be impossible as Lobo was certain he had killed them all) and subsequently defeated him. When Lobo tracked her to the Psion home-world where Starro was hiding, she attempted the same trick, but was impaled through the head with Lobo's meat-hook before being secured to his bike, pretending he would frag Starro for her death. The treatment would drive the reluctant Smite to battle Lobo for her, rather than in the defense of Starro.


June 2009

July 2009

August 2009

September 2009

December 2009

April 2010

May 2010

June 2010

February 2011

March 2011

April 2011

May 2011



Died in issues


