


Sorceress that raised Deimos from the dead.

Real name:
  • Ashiya the Witch
Birth date:
  • Magic

Ashiya the Witch was an old woman who had mastered her art when she met the evil would be ruler Deimos. Assuming the form of her once youthful beauty, Ashiya desired to become Deimos' queen once he used his technological weapons to conquer the primitive world of Skartaris. These plans were thwarted when Scartaris’ hero, the Warlord, killed Deimos.

Some time later, while searching out a powerful necromantic artifact, the Mask of Life, Ashiya was captured by a group of warriors. Knowing her to be an evil sorceress, they were about to burn her when the well-meaning Warlord intervened and slew them all. The freed Ashiya duped Warlord into recovering the Mask for her. Taking the Mask to Deimos' corpse, Ashiya resurrected him and reluctantly served him in his plan to destroy Warlord by using his kidnapped infant son. 

Deimos plan failed and he was again slain by Warlord. Ashiya had taken pity on Warlord’s son (whom he thought dead) and placed him in the care of a simple woodsman and his wife. Still, she didn't alert Morgan to his existence, choosing to keep this a secret for her own advantage. [Warlord # 19-21]

Several years later when Deimos again returned to life, thanks to the continued power of the Mask of Life, Ashiya again served her lord. This time Deimos had captured Warlord's older daughter Jennifer, who was now in a cationic state from the trauma. Deimos told Ashiya that he intended to make Jennifer his consort as a means of punishing his enemy Warlord. Ashiya, jealous and angry at not being chosen as his queen, left Deimos to face the attacking Warlord alone. [Warlord #50]

After killing Deimos, Morgan left the still cationic Jennifer in the care of an ally named Faaldren, but even his presence was not enough to stop Ashiya from returning and using Jennifer for her own purposes. Ashiya wanted to control of Deimos' technology as a means of conquest and needed Jennifer's skills to teach how to command these scientific marvels. Using her magic, Ashiya removed Jennifer's catatonia and masqueraded as Rachel Morgan, Jennifer's mother. Jennifer and Ashiya shared the principles of magic and science over the following days. Jennifer was an excellent student and teaching her drained on the Ashiya’s power.

When Morgan returned to check on his daughter he was attacked by Ashiya. Her spells could not stop the enraged Morgan though and he was about to kill her when Jennifer intervened. Jennifer, having seen thru Ashiya’s ruse, had been using her to learn magic and wanted to keep her alive to absorb more. Ashiya refused to serve a mortal and the two battled. The Sorceress Supreme of her world, Ashiya was sure the outcome of the fight was in her favor. Unfortunately, she was ignorant of the purpose of many of the machines in the room where they were fighting.   Jennifer had lured the arrogant, but weakened Ashiya into an energy field and used her magic to power the machine. The machine blasted Ashiya with electricity, reducing her to a pile of ashes. [Warlord #53-54]


January 1978

March 1979

April 1979

May 1979

October 1981

January 1982

February 1982



Died in issues