


An alternate earth version of Aquaman and fanatic member of Khouriga Edjem's elite terrorist force.

Real name:
Birth date:
  • Agility
  • Stamina
  • Sub-Mariner
  • Super Speed
  • Super Strength
  • Unarmed Combat
First issue:


An anointed member of the mysterious Khouriga Edjem's elite strike force, operating out of the fictional country of Kamburu.


Aqualord was created by John Arcudi and Tom Mandrake. His first appearance was in JLA: Destiny #1.


JLA: Destiny

In this Elseworlds universe Aqualord (Aquaman's counterpart) is a member of Khouriga Edjem's elite terrorist group. He and his teamates are fighting against the Justice League of Gotham (later Justice League of America) for their leader who is a wanted terrorist, being sheltered in the fictional country of Kamburu.

During one of their missions he fights against Captain Thunder (a counterpart of Shazam), but is ultimately defeated due to underestimating his opponent, which his teamate Kondor notes.

He is later seen detained by the League and interogated for information. It's revealed that he gives up some information due to his addiction to opium and the subsequent withdrawal while being detained.

Powers & Abilities

Aqualord resembles the 90's era Aquaman in appearance, with a different darker uniform and long dreadlocks for hair. One noticable difference is the abscence of the characteristic leg "fins" that mainstream Aquaman possesses. He has some abilities similar to the original Aquaman.

Superhuman Speed / Agility / Jump

Aqualord can move extremely fast (on land) able to surprise and tag metahumans as fast as Captain Thunder and dodge point blank blasts before the metahuman's that try to shoor him can react or even realise what has occurred.

He can also leap long distances extremely fast and is also very agile and acrobatic during combat.

Superhuman Strength

Aqualord is strong enough to hold his own against extremely strong opponents like Captain Thunder.

Enhanced Durability

He can take a hit and being restrained by Captain Thunder. He is described as a hugely powerful powerhouse by this universe's Wonder Woman.

Underwater Adaptation

Being an alternative version of Aquaman, he can function normally underwater and is able to withstand the high pressures and extreme temperatures of the deep. He can also function on land normally.

Trained Operative / Preacher

He is a ranked member of Khouriga Edjem's elite force and trained for combat at a very high level.

He is also a true believer and preaches Khouriga Edjem's words.



As noted by his teamate Kondor, Aqualord usually underestimates his opponents, which can lead to his defeat.

Opium Addiction

His teamate Kondor, when captured, reveals that Aqualord is a frequent user of opium.


August 2002

September 2002


