
Anjeli Singh

Anjeli Singh

Anjeli Singh is the wife of Randu Singh, both of them friends of Jason Blood (The Demon).

Anjeli Singh
Real name:
Anjeli Singh
  • Anjeli Singh
  • Randu's Wife
Birth date:
  • Intellect

Major Story Arcs

Blood of the Demon

One Year Later

For more information see: One Year Later

During the events of One Year Later, Anjeli is horribly burned, she is taken to Gotham Medical. There while in ICU, Morgaine Le Fey, tries to kidnap her but is stopped by Entrigan. Randu, with his sight now returned takes Anjeli home where she hides in her room, avoiding Randu, fearing that if he sees her he will no longer love her.

One night Randu, while controling a Entrigan copy, has a stroke. Anjeli tries to help him but nothing she does seems to help her husband. This is when a strange woman shows up and offers to help. She explains she is a wish granter, but it will come at a price. Anjeli agrees and the woman heals Randu. Randu thanks his wife and makes a wish of his own. He wishes for Anjeli to regain her beauty. The Wish Granter grants the wish but takes away Randu's eyesight, as her payment. Then the Wish Granter, and her brother, who recently arrives tries to make Anjeli make another wish, and Anjeli wishes that Entrigan would come and aid her and Randu.

The Demon fights with the Wish Granters, revealed to be Wish Mongers. He forces them to grant his wish that he had never met Jason Blood, thus making it so that Randu and Anjeli never met the Demon. This wish bends reality so that Anjeli and Randu live full lives together as UN Ambassadors.


September 1972

December 1980

May 2005

June 2005

July 2005

August 2005

September 2005

October 2005

November 2005

December 2005

January 2006

February 2006

May 2006

June 2006

July 2006

August 2006

September 2006





