


Former Queen of the Bana-Mighdall Amazons.

Real name:
  • Queen Anahid
Birth date:
  • Leadership
  • Marksmanship
  • Swordsmanship
  • Unarmed Combat
  • Weapon Master


Anahid was the Queen of the city of Bana-Mighdall. When Diana discovered the city, the Bana Amazons immediately attack her, thinking that she was responsible for killing two guards and stealing their greatest treasure. Diana tries to communicate her intentions, but Anahid shows her violent and suspicious side when she refuses to believe Wonder Woman and calls for her death. When Diana fends off the Bana, Anahid orders her people to stand down and offers Diana a chance to talk. However, it was a deception to get close enough to spit the "Kiss of the Cobra," a dart coated in a powerful poison hidden in her mouth, on Diana. As she passes out, Anahid call Diana a fool for being so trusting.

Once Diana is locked up, Anahid oversees a shipment of weapons and warriors that are to be sent to was an assassin and a fool. Among other things she ordered her troops to decimate an Egyptian village because the Cheetah was hiding there. After selecting troops to go into battle with their client, the Bana head out to meet the client. Once there, the Bana get the information they are paying for; the city Cheetah is staying in. However, Anahid renegotiates the terms of their agreement. When a few soldiers objects, Anahid kills them and forces their leader to take half of his troops as slaves. He agrees, but some of his men flee out of fear, but are killed before they get far, and renegotiate their deal again to accommodate the dead men. Knowing the consequences of angering the Bana, their leader agrees.

Later, Anahid leads a raid on the city Cheetah was hiding in. Anahid orders that the entire village be wiped out, and she and her people go on a killing spree. Eventually, they find the hotel where Cheetah was staying. When Anahid is told, she spearheads the attempt to reach Cheetah. Before she can reach her, Diana, having survived the poison, arrives and begins stopping the Bana. Despite their attempts to kill, her, she begins pushing them back. However, Anahid secretly took a small contingent of Bana to sneak onto the hotel roof to get to Cheetah. She gives a soldier first crack at her, but she is easily slaughtered. As the rest of her group is killed, Diana arrives as Anahid tries to fight Cheetah, only to be overpowered before she can even strike. Her back literally against the wall, Anahid lets Cheetah get in close and spits a Kiss of the Cobra onto her, but the poison only enrages her further. As she takes Anahid down, Diana decides to intervene and fight Cheetah herself.

As Anahid and the arriving Bana watch, the Diana and Cheetah duke it out. The Bana wants to gun them both down, but Anahid orders them not to kill them, feeling indebted to Diana because she saved her life. When Barbara's assistant fires a poison dart at Diana, Anahid orders his death and has her people kill him and stall Cheetah so she can extract the poison. As Diana recovers and defeats Cheetah, Anahid succumbs to her wounds and dies. The remaining Bana arrive on the scene, ready to end Diana, but one of the Bana that was present explained that her last order was to spare Diana so she could defeat Cheetah. Because it is Bana custom for a queen's last command to be established as law, they were no longer allowed to kill Diana.


April 1989

May 1989

June 1989



Died in issues



