
Mara Esperanza

Mara Esperanza

A character from Fear Agent, and first "ally" of Heath at the beginning of the story.

Mara Esperanza
Real name:
Mara Esperanza
Birth date:
First issue:

Mara Esperanza was found in the water tank of the station that had been swarmed by the Flesheater, which had been brought by Dressite in their attempt to attack Earth. She later assisted Heath Huston, who came upon the infestation upon his visit to the station for rest, whom she ended up together on a frozen planet. As both she and Heath tried to survive on the planet with the help of the natives, they discovered that they ended up traveled back to the distant past at the beginning time of Teltadian long before their invasion of Earth. She was actually killed when the Teltadian launched a counter-attack from Heath's failed assault on their base, but she was brought back from another timeline just before her demise by the keepers who arrested Heath for changing the timeline. Later, when she and Heath escaped to the present, she had a smitten with him and even shared a romance together. She and Heath would end up with the survivors of second Earth invasion on the moon base, where they shared their tragic past during the first Earth invasion together. Mara would then assigned to the team sent to Feeder's home planet to clear out their infestation on Earth. Later on, she would botch the mission when she started a fight with a space pirate who was responsible for selling her and her family to carnivorous aliens who ate her parents and kept her in their pens for two years until a group of Dressite soldiers rescued her. While she managed to save a few of her teammates, she received resentment and distrust due to her actions that also included her deal with Dressite for his location that turned out to be infested with ghoul-like aliens from a failed experiment. She attempted to warn Heath, who disregarded the message since it was in a different past before their arrival on the planet. Finally, she abandoned her team--who would later be saved by Heath--on the last escape pod.

After her escape, she boarded a space station where Levi and his crews were enjoying their time. She nearly succeeded in killing Levi, but stopped by Heath, who was furious for her betrayal of Earth for relatively petty reasons. This spark an argument between them as Mara brought up Heath's unintentional genocide upon Dressite whose main purpose of their second Earth invasion included retribution for his action. Due to an interruption, she would be shot dead by Levi as she argued with Heath, who deliberately allow her to be shot based on his thoughts.


November 2005

February 2006

May 2006

June 2006

July 2006

August 2006

September 2006

December 2006

January 2007

October 2007

November 2007

December 2007

March 2008

April 2008

May 2008




Died in issues

