
General Antwerpen

General Antwerpen

The thoughtful leader of Jupiter Assante's Reconquista Grendel army.

General Antwerpen
Real name:
Birth date:

Major Story Arcs

Devil's Choices

General Antwerpen is in charge of the new Grendel-Khan's Reconquista army, which is trying to settle the many factional wars that came into being during the time when Laurel Assante was in power.

Antwerpen is a philosophical, honorable leader. He wants to minimize the amount of deaths he must create in his mission, but he knows the many Grendel clans in the area are full of pride and are unlikely to surrender to the Khan's rule.

He comes upon a deserter from one of the local clans, Borna, and asks him to go back and convince his people to join the Khan. Borna and his lover, Ivana, just had a child, and he is loath to go, but feels like it is his duty. Ivana stays with the General, and tells him that she'll hate him forever if Borna dies.

Unfortunately Borna is captured by his clan's leader, Igor, and tortured to death.

Antwerpen leads the invasion force to the clan's borders. The clan, the Agrami, are lined up and ready to attack. They start off, but one of their ex-soldiers, Goran, speeds up on a bike and knocks Igor down out of frustration for his bloodthirsty leadership. Igor is captured, and the rest of the army loses heart and gives up.

General Antwerpen convinces Goran to become the new General of the clan under the Khan. One of his last pieces of advice is for Goran to give Ivana a vehicle so she can leave the area forever, knowing that she is sick of what the war has done to her family.


April 1995

May 1995

June 1995


