
Will Stanton

Will Stanton

Will Stanton is committed at Westin Hills Psychiatric Home along with several other kids from Elm Street who have been having nightmares about Freddy Krueger.

Will Stanton
Real name:
Will Stanton
Birth date:
  • Blast Power
  • Intellect
  • Magic

Biography (film)

Will Stanton was imprisoned in Westin Hills after attempting suicide by jumping out a window to end his nightmares about Freddy Krueger, though this may have just been Freddy using his body to inflict self-harm. The suicide attempt left Will paralyzed from the waist down and confined to a wheelchair.

Will's personality is much more innocent and trusting compared to the other inmates, possibly because he was the youngest. Will seemed to have a special bond with fellow inmate Joey. Will is shown to be a fan of fantasy and role-playing games. In his dreams, he can not only walk, but become a powerful "Wizard Master", who can invoke magical forces by calling on a fictional deity called Lowrek, Prince of Elves.

Unfortunately, having access to such power caused him to become reckless, and even though his magical blast proved effective, his attempt to rush the fiend ended with him being killed by Krueger, who mockingly said "Sorry kid, I don't believe in fairy tales" before stabbing him.

The character's transformation into a wizard and subsequent death scene has frequently been parodied on YouTube and on horror film message boards because of his in-costume resemblance to Harry Potter, and to a series of young adult books called The Dark is Rising where the protagonist, a boy wizard, is named Will Stanton.

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Will's spirit appears prominently in Innovation's Nightmares on Elm Street series. He appears to be the team's leader along with Kincaid. Having full-time access to his magical powers seems to have caused him to become more powerful and competent, and he knows things about how the dream world works that his teammates do not, implying he truly has become a "Wizard Master". He supplies Neil Gordon with an object that would be key to defeating Freddy.

Will appears briefly in Wildstorm's Freddy Vs Jason Vs Ash: The Nightmare Warriors. He is defeated by Krueger by being sucked into a vortex.


May 1992

July 1992

December 2009

January 2010
