


Survivor of the S.S. Columbia on Talos IV.

Real name:
Birth date:
  • Intellect
First issue:
Star Trek Annual (1985) #2 The Final Voyage

Star Trek Canon Special Note

Not everything listed in the origin is Canon. That is because only television shows and movies are considered canon for Star Trek. This being a comic website there are many things here that are not canon. So unless it is contradicted in film it should be listed as part of the character biography.


Vina was a young human woman when her ship the S.S. Columbia crashed on the planet Talos IV. Everyone on her ship died but she was horribly mutilated because of the accident. She ended up living out her life on the planer with the Talosian race that saved her life.


Vina was created by Gene Roddenberry for the very first pilot episode of Star Trek the original series.

Major Story Arcs

The Talosians wanted to find a mate for her to build a new population for their planet. In doing so they tricked the U.S.S. Enterprise under the command of Christopher Pike. The Talosians read Vina's mind of the perfect mate and he fit the bill.

Vina, Pike, Colt, One
Vina, Pike, Colt, One

Pike fought her at every turn even though he was attracted to her. He even resisted her when she looked to him like a Orion Slave Girl. This was due to him being a prisoner of the Talosians. Recognizing his resistance they brought two woman from his ship Mia Colt and Number One. Then they gave him a choice of what woman he wanted.

They even escaped the cage only to find out that the Talosians wouldn't let them beam to their ship. In a last desperate attempt Number One set her phaser to trigger a forced chamber explosion. Pike gave Vina a chance to go to cover but she stayed believing if she left the Talosians would try to capture someone else. It was not until the Talosians saw how much humans detested captivity that they let them go deeming them too violent of a species. Vina stayed because of her mutated body. She chose instead to live the life of fantasy with the Talosians with her mind creating her own Pike to live with.

Ironically the real Pike would suffer a similar fate and have his entire body completely destroyed with the exception of his mind. One of his officers, Spock risked a death sentence to get him to the planet so he too could live in a fantasy world with Vina.


July 1994

August 2011

October 2020





