


Gold Key and former Dell character also published under licence by Whitman, Valliant, Dark Horse, Acclaim and Dynamite. Turok and his friend Andar were stranded in the "sewer of the universe" known as the lost land. A land inhabited by dinosaurs and savage barbarians. The duo are constantly pursued by a giant honker (their word for dinosaurs).

Real name:
  • Tal'Set
  • Son of Stone
  • Dinosaur Hunter
  • Joshua Fireseed
  • Carl Fireseed
  • The Coyote Knight
  • Danielle Fireseed
  • Joeseph Fireseed
Birth date:
  • Adaptive
  • Agility
  • Danger Sense
  • Dimensional Manipulation
  • Gadgets
  • Leadership
  • Longevity
  • Marksmanship
  • Power Item
  • Stamina
  • Stealth
  • Teleport
  • Time Manipulation
  • Time Travel
  • Tracking
  • Unarmed Combat
  • Weapon Master
First issue:
Four Color (1942) #596 Turok Son of Stone


Western Publishing Universe

Turok in the Lost Valley
Turok in the Lost Valley

Turok and his friend Andar were Plains Indians, specifically from the Mandan tribe. It isn't known how two Mandans (whose tribe originated in the East and then settled in the Dakotas) ended up in New Mexico's Carlsbad Caverns area. It is here however, that they discover a lost sunken valley with prehistoric creatures still in abundance. Turok and Andar find themselves pitted against the terrifying creatures from Earth's distant past armed only with their courage, wits, and a newly discovered secret for applying poison to their arrowheads. From this point on Turok and Andar have a life of adventure and peril.

They spent a great deal of time both battling dinosaurs or "Honkers" as they call them and Cavemen all the time trying to return to their home by escaping the Lost Valley. Turok does indeed find a way to escape at one point but must return to rescue his friend. After returning however, there is a seismic event that seals the path and traps Turok and Andar.

Major Story Arcs

Valiant Universe

Turok in the future
Turok in the future

Turok is a Kiowa warrior from the Dakotas. He is an expert Archer and wields a bow of future technology. He also ages very little from living in The Lost Land, hunting dinosaurs. Turok is a warrior with ancient wisdom and futuristic technology. He is known as the “Son of Stone” for his level-headed, stoicism and lack of emotion. Turok and his friend Andar are Kiowa Native Americans who find themselves lost in a cosmic oddity called the Lost Valley or the Lost Land. While hunting north of the Rio Grande, the friends fell through a sinkhole into a cavern that opened into a place where "time no longer held much meaning!" The Lost Valley was populated by both Dinosaurs, which the friends referred to as "Honkers," and the warriors of the Lost Land, a race of primitive men who were "taciturn" and "strong."

Later Mothergod Erica Pierce with a lot of robots from the future invaded the Lost Valley and began to take over by raising a city and corrupting the environment. Turok and Andar led the cavemen warriors against the robots unsuccessfully for some time until Magnus, the robot fighter arrived in the Lost Land and helped to turn the tide, see Magnus Robot Fighter #12 (Valiant).

Magnus was followed not long after by a Cosmic being called Mothergod. Mothergod’s promises to restore harmony to the Lost Land led Turok and Andar to swear allegiance to Mothergod. Mothergod in turn outfits them with super hi-tech bows as well as well as cybernetically enhancing the local dinosaurs making them bionisaurs. But more and more strangers entered the Lost Land to stop Mothergod and Turok soon discovered that she was not the benevolent goddess he had thought.

He joins the ranks of XO Manowar, Shadowman, Solar and Rai against Mother god and her bionisaurs. In the war against Mothergod, Andar disappeared and Turok’s adopted tribe had been slaughtered by a team of bionisaur assassins. This prompted Turok to accept Andar as being lost and vowed to take the life of the assassins' leader Mon-Ark.

Upon the demise of Mothergod the Lost Land dissolved and both Turok and the remaining bionisaurs escaped to Earth. Equipped with his futuristic weapons, Turok hunts down the remaining bionisaurs throughout South America and the Southwestern United States. Turok also went on to be Native American struggles, fighting cloned dinosaurs, and the Spider People; a tribe of warriors from the Lost Land.

Now throughout history, a Native American hero by the name of Turok has secretly protected Earth from the invasion of a race of evolved dinosaurs from a world of evolved prehistoric creatures known as the Lost Land. Typically Turok is a mantle passed down from one generation of the Fireseed lineage to another, the eldest son of the previous Turok typically honored with the title and its duties.

The Turok Lineage

Acclaim Universe

Throughout history, an American Indian family lineage has secretly protected Earth from the invasion of races of evolved dinosaurs and other alien life forms which come from a world of constant chaos, The Lost Land of Galyanna.

The Fireseed bloodline
The Fireseed bloodline

These warriors are given the title of Turok, which in the Saquin tongue means Son of Stone, Child of the Land or Protector of the Earth. The mantle of Turok is passed down from one generation to another, the eldest son of the previous Turok typically honored with the title and its duties. In times of need, however, a female or another male member of the Fireseed family may bear the burden. The title of Turok is exclusive to the Fireseed family. Past, present and future Turok warriors must come from the Fireseed family as the burden of responsibility is far too heavy to anyone not familiar with the ways of the Turok.

Known Turoks

  • Pal'Seg'Na'Saquin: The Founding Father
  • Ka'Dahn: The Soft Wind
  • A'Kros, A'Lyn, and A'Synt: The Three Points
  • Tal'Set: The Valiant One
  • Calloway Fireseed: The Blood Brother
  • Aram Fireseed: The Greywalker
  • Greyhawk Fireseed: The Warslave
  • John Fireseed: The Forsaken One
  • Carl Fireseed: The Secondary
  • Joshua Fireseed: The Coyote Knight
  • Joseph Fireseed: The Youngster
  • Danielle Fireseed: The Fearless
  • Thomas Fireseed: The Atomic Cub
  • Yanik Fireseed: The Fragment Son

Power and Abilities

  • Turok is a Master archer and marksman.
  • He is an adept combatant with traditional Native American weapons (gunstock war club, tomahawks, bows, and knives).
  • He is a herbalist and novice shaman, knowing many healing poultices and poisons. He also has almost complete control of his emotions, allowing him to dismiss fear or conversely go into a frenzied berserker rage which seems to slow down time for him allowing him to react faster and grants a greater blood lust.
  • Turok ages incredibly slowly due to his time in the lost land (time here has confused his cells and as such they just continue to multiply indefinitely preventing aging).
  • Turok is a master tracker and hunter, able to follow tracks that are days, even weeks old.
  • Turok is a master of stealth, and assassination.

The Lost Land

The Lost Land is an interdimensional "Sewer of the Universe" which acts as a collected by a floating Universe-Wide temporal wave. Time, place and dimensions are followed by different rules in the Lost Land. The inhabitants call it the Galyanna.

Other Media

Video Games

The character has spawned a popular FPS video game series, starting in 1997 with a game published by Acclaim Entertainment.

Turok: Dinosaur Hunter

Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter

Based on the Acclaim comic series, players control Turok and must prevent the Campaigner from using a powerful weapon to control the universe. The game was originally released for the Nintendo 64 and PC in 1997 and received extremely positive reviews.

Turok 2: Seeds of Evil

Turok 2: Seeds of Evil
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil

Originally released in 1998 for the Nintendo 64 and PC as a sequel to the first game. In this game, players assume the role of a new Turok, Joshua Fireseed. Fireseed battles an alien entity known as the Primagen. Turok 2 was met with very positive reviews as well and is considered one of the best shooters ever due to its story and new multiplayer component.

Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion

Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion
Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion

Shadow of Oblivion was released in 2000 for the Nintendo 64 and Game Boy Color. The story takes place two years after Seeds of Evil and follows Joshua and his sister Danielle and brother Joseph as they battle a cosmic entity known as Oblivion. Both Joseph and Danielle are playable characters.

Turok: Evolution

Turok: Evolution
Turok: Evolution

Evolution was released in 2002 for PlayStation 2, Xbox, GameCube, PC, and Game Boy Advance. It's a prequel to Turok: Dinosaur Hunter with Tal'Set as the protagonist taking on Captain Bruckner and humanoid reptiles called the Sleg. Evolution is the final game in the Turok series before the 2008 reboot. It received mixed reviews due to bad AI and a forgettable story.



The series was rebooted in 2008 by Propaganda Games. Turok was released for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC, and received mixed to average reviews. In this game, players assume the role of Joseph Turok, a Native American (Kiowa descent) marine who is part of a team called Whiskey Company. Turok and his team is sent to a remote planet to apprehend his previous commander and leader of Wolf Pack, Roland Kane. Upon crash landing on the planet, Turok and his team discovers the planet is home to dinosaurs and other predatory creatures, and must fight them off while battling Wolf Pack and pursuing his former mentor. A sequel was planned but got cancelled before it was officially announced.


May 1992

September 1992

November 1992

March 1993

April 1993

July 1993

August 1993

September 1993

October 1993

November 1993

December 1993

January 1994

February 1994

March 1994

April 1994

May 1994

June 1994

July 1994

August 1994

September 1994


















Enemy teams