
Shelly Finkelstein

Shelly Finkelstein

He was a practical joker who Jason Voorhees ended up taking his hockey mask from.

Shelly Finkelstein
Real name:
Sheldon P. Finkelstein
Birth date:
  • Chameleon
  • Invulnerability
  • Soul Absorption

Biography (Film)

Friday the 13th Part 3

Sheldon "Shelly" P. Finkelstein was a wannabe actor who accompanied his friend Andy to Higgins Haven for a weekend get together with some friends. Shelly was self-conscious about his looks and preferred to wear various odd masks. Andy set him up on a blind date with a girl named Vera, who found him bizarre. Scared of being rejected or considered boring, Shelly delighted in playing gruesome pranks on his friends such as faking his own death and leaping out at them while wearing masks.

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Trying to prove he wasn't a bad guy, Shelly drove Vera out to a convenience store to buy groceries, but ended up in a confrontation with a biker gang, who followed them back to Higgins Haven. Unbeknownst to all involved, Jason Voorhees had taken up residence in the barn, and this resulted in Jason killing off first the bikers, and then everyone at the ranch.

Vera was beginning to warm up to Shelly, if not romantically, but he ruined this growing friendship by leaping out at the water while wearing a hockey mask and scuba gear. This would be the last prank he would ever pull. Jason Voorhees took a liking to the mask and slit Shelly's throat. Shelly tried to get help, but his pleas were ignored because of all the pranks he had pulled. He then bled to death, unknowingly having given his murderer a "face" that would become iconic.


In Freddy Vs Jason Vs Ash, Freddy uses the Necronomicon to summon up all "Voorhees victims past and present" in order to dispose of Jason. Shelly is among the vengeful horde, first in silhouette but recognizable because of his hair. He is not wearing his scuba gear that he died in, suggesting this is not the real Shelly.


April 2008

May 2008




