


An agent of order and balance, Legion tracks down damned souls that manage to escape from Hell in order to ensure that they return to Hell and face retribution for their crimes.

Real name:
Birth date:
  • Claws
  • Fire Control
  • Magic
  • Marksmanship
  • Super Strength
  • Teleport
  • Tracking
  • Weapon Master
First issue:
Xena: Warrior Princess (1999) #13 Legion


Legion was created by writer Mike Deodato, Jr. and artist Ian Edginton. She first appeared in 2000's Xena: Warrior Princess #13.

Major Story Arcs


After Xena had managed to save the world from Zeus' near-apocalypse when he withdrew all the gods from the mortal plane, Zeus wiped any memory of the events from the minds of mortals - save for Xena. What Zeus had failed to notice however was that several damned souls had manged to escape the pit of Hell during this all. This prompted Legion's intervention to ensure that these souls were returned to their eternal punishment.

Finding more escaped souls.
Finding more escaped souls.

Legion tracked and apprehended the majority of the damned souls, save for Mihra Sofia Baptista. This young woman managed to escape briefly, and came across Xena and Gabrielle. Sensing her distress, Xena offered to help Mihra with her ordeal. Mihra told Xena and Gabrielle that she was being pursued by a wraith sent to wipe out her entire family line. While Xena and Gabrielle discussed how to stop a wraith, Legion found Mihra again and attacked. Xena tried to defend the young woman, but could do little against Legion's unyielding assault. When Legion realized she was fighting Xena however, she finally tried to explain herself. Legion explained how Zeus' meddling had released damned souls from Hell, and that Mihra was one of these damned. At this point Mihra took Gabrielle hostage at knifepoint, and Legion explained Mihra's crime: killing her own family in order to impress a bandit lord, only for him to kill her in turn.

Xena threatened Mihra, but the damned woman refused to let Gabrielle go since she knew she was in a no-win situation, especially since she had already been dead for years. Legion however informed Mihra that despite how long her stay in Hell had seemed, Mihra had been dead for barely a week. The shock of this information distracted Mihra briefly enough for Gabrielle to slip out of her grasp. Xena then punched Mihra and gladly let Legion take Mihra back where she belonged. Mihra begged Legion not to send her back, claiming she had no idea what it was like, but Legion simply replied "It's Hell," and teleported Mihra back with her.

Powers & Abilities

Legion possesses numerous mystical abilities, including the power to conjure and command fire, summon weapons into her hands - such as a flaming bow, and teleporting herself and others - most likely to and from Hell - both directly by touching people or by using her enchanted weapons on them. She has also been shown to be considerably stronger than she appears, throwing a man nearly twice her size a great distance. Her reflexes are equally superhuman, as she was shown to catch Xena's Chakram out of the air with ease.

Catching Xena's Chakram.
Catching Xena's Chakram.

While she has been shown to summon weapons, Legion also carries several with her at all times, namely a sword and an axe. This coupled with her proficiency with a bow indicates she has a diverse range of expertise in numerous forms of armed combat. Her tracking abilities are also formidable, although how she tracks wayward souls so accurately is unrevealed.

