


A Sirian bounty hunter hired by Lord Zedd to defeat the Power Rangers.

Real name:
Birth date:
  • Adaptive
  • Gadgets
  • Stealth
First issue:
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (2016) #40 Necessary Evil

Major Story Arcs

Necessary Evil

Dayne freed by Lord Zedd
Dayne freed by Lord Zedd

Before facing against the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers, Dayne was held prisoner until he was taken to the Moon Palace by Lord Zedd's hired guns and freed from his cell by Lord Zedd, who hired him to destroy the Power Rangers.

Now free, Dayne spent his time carefully watching over footage recorded by Squatt and Baboo of every one of their failures against the Rangers. Dayne began to watch the Rangers battles from a distance, analysing their fighting styles and personalities, determining the best way to defeat them one by one. Eventually drawing the Power Rangers out, Dayne quickly defeated the Rangers by using their weaknesses against them. Breaking, but not killing them one by one to send a message. Leaving them weak and down a team member after knocking Tommy Oliver unconscious.

Dayne vs. the Omega Rangers
Dayne vs. the Omega Rangers

Fighting against the Rangers in their Zords, Dayne singlehandedly defeated them while in their Megazords, only to be defeated by an ambush from the Omega Rangers and captured.

Taken to the Omega Rangers base, The Safehaven, he was freed by Kiya who betrayed her fellow Rangers, who asked Dayne for his aid against her former allies. While delving through the depths of Safehaven, Dayne led Kiya & Garrison Vox to the Master Arch.

In the final battle against Kiya's forces, Dayne faced the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers once again. Holding his own until he was faced with more foes than he was willing to fight and fled the battle. Dayne would later free a captured Lord Zedd as a returned favour for doing the same for him. After freeing Zedd, he would teleport away, never to be seen again.

Other Media

Video Games

Power Rangers: Legacy Wars (2017)

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Game Bio: Dayne is an evil Sirian bounty hunter, who loves challenge and possesses a dry and sardonic wit. He was imprisoned on Black Site Prison, but Lord Zedd bribed the officials to transport him to the moon and then hired him to eliminate the Power Rangers. Dayne stated that he didn't normally do jobs like this, but Lord Zedd is an old friend and he pays well.

Released: 29/07/2022





Enemy teams