
Clare Thorn

Clare Thorn

Clare Thorn was a science officer in Starfleet.

Clare Thorn
Real name:
Clare Thorn
Birth date:
  • Agility
First issue:
Star Trek: Early Voyages (1997) #7 The Flat, Gold Forever


The Klingon Invasion
The Klingon Invasion
Star Trek Canon Special Note
Not everything listed in the origin is Canon.  That is because only television shows and movies are considered canon for Star Trek.  This being a comic website there are many things here that are not canon.  So unless it is contradicted in film it should be listed as part of the character biography.     
Clare was a Science Officer aboard a starship when it was attacked by the Chakuun.  It was after the battle that Clare went to the planet Prairie to become a farmer.  She worked there and avoided Starfleet until Captain Christopher Pike landed there with a ship of Klingons an the warpath to kill him.  Clare was forced to be allied with Starfleet once more in a fight against the Klingon invaders.  Clare and Pike fought off the Klingon's and Clare received a blow to the back of her head by a group of Klingon's.  It is unknown what happened to her afterwards.


The Heroic Clare
The Heroic Clare
The creation of Clare is an odd one as she is given great detail in personality and she is featured very prominent in the comic.  She gets one of the most heroic panels in the comic whole series of Star Trek: Early Voyages were she is created.  None of the main characters were featured so well and some were not even as flushed out as she was.
In the seventh issue of the series she is knocked out by a group are very vicious Klingons and is last seen at their mercy.  The whole situation was very odd.  Most likely the creators wanted to use her again, and therefore left her in a cliff hanger situation.

