
Black Dynamite

Black Dynamite

When the injustices of the man wrongs the people, one funky, stone cold brotha uses Kung Fu and ex-CIA training to right the wrongs of the world. A revolutionary fighter. A man of strength and style, that oozes of the swagger and machismo of the Blaxploitation era.

Black Dynamite
Real name:
Birth date:
  • Agility
  • Escape Artist
  • Gadgets
  • Intellect
  • Leadership
  • Marksmanship
  • Stamina
  • Stealth
  • Super Strength
  • Tracking
  • Unarmed Combat
  • Weapon Master
First issue:
Black Dynamite (2011) #1 Slave Island

Black Dynamite (2009 film)

Sometime in the early 1970s, during a drug deal, a group of dealers are confronted by a shadowed Rafelli, who accuses one of the of being a undercover plant. One of the three men, actually being a plant, gets found out and murdered by the goons. And, when the police arrive, they discover that the undercover dealer was Jimmy, the younger brother of Black Dynamite. A Vietnam veteran and former CIA agent, turned protector of the streets, the officers knew he the death of Jimmy would spell trouble for everyone who had anything close to do with it, once Black Dynamite learned.

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To which, he did, being told by his aunt, while training in his daily routine of Kung-Fu. He is immediately hurt by it, and gets his people to look into the case. Eventually getting hold of a bullet shell, he investigates into the type and who the owner was. Learning from his friend Bullhorn that a would-be hustler named Creamcorn was involved in the deal, he finds the man at a hair salon, getting his hair pressed. Startling him with his presence, he chases the man through town, before catching him and hanging him over a building ledge, to interrogate him. Learning that Jimmy was also involved with a big time dealer named Chicago Wind.

Visiting the man, he learns that Chicago Wind was not the man that killed Jimmy. But, he was still in connections to the drug business. So, locking them all inside the poolhall that the dealer owned, he proceeded to beat him entire gang, along with the assistance of Bullhorn. Chasing him with his car, after Chicago Wind escaped the hall, he accidentally drove over a bridge; angering Rafelli for killing his number one dealer. So, when Dynamite arrived at Jimmy's apartment, afterwards, he finds it broken into. And, while investigating, two hitmen barge out of the apartment, totting automatic weapons. Managing to hit Black Dynamite in the shoulder, he kills one with his revolver. Though, the second one escaped.

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A few days later, Black Dynamite would find himself at the debate for city mayor, between congressman Monroe James and the militants, led by the beautiful Afroditey. Dynamite tails the group back to their hideout, sneaking inside to meet their leader. Asking him for assistance, he learns that the bullet in top military grade ammunition.


December 2013

April 2014

July 2014

August 2014




