


Leader of a cult that worships Shaitan, the Prince of Darkness.

Real name:
Regina Simms
Birth date:
  • Leadership
  • Magic
First issue:
Monster Hunters (1975) #16 The Convert; The Kilgore Monster; Everybody Pays!; The Inquisition

Major Story Arcs

The Convert

Regina leading her cult.
Regina leading her cult.

Regina Simms led a cult in Greenwich Village that worshiped Shaitan, the Prince of Darkness. When Richard Mall fell in love with her, she promised to marry him in exchange for him joining her cult. He had little faith in Shaitan however, and began expressing his doubts to Regina and his wish for her to abandon it. She chastised him for his unwillingness to believe, and began using the powers granted to her by Shaitan to try and coerce Richard into believing.

Using her magics, she got Richard to buy a book on Shaitan to cultivate his interest, which ultimately resulted in him trying to commune with the evil entity. He still refused to follow Regina's cult however, and so she plagued him with terrible nightmares.

Richard became certain that Regina was a witch of some kind and needed to be dealt with. He went to see Regina, and she once again tried to get him to accept Shaitan as his master. Richard denied her however and even smashed the statue of Shaitan that she had given him. Furious, Regina summoned forth Shaitan to destroy Richard, but Richard had come prepared and sent Shaitan back to Hell with a spell he had found hidden in his book. With her master gone, Regina's powers were gone as well, causing her to wither away and die. Richard bid her goodbye, glad that her evil was no more.

