Real name:
  • Adam Appel
Birth date:
  • Immortal
  • Shape Shifter
  • Teleport

Ernie doesn't find Pagan funny  
Ernie doesn't find Pagan funny  
Pagan knew that Lady Death's appearance in Hell prophesied a Judgment Era. And moments later when he thought that, Lucifer was killed and Hell started to fall apart. Pagan then schemed of how to get rid of Lady Death and sent a hydra to pull Lady Death into the Nexus of all Things. It broke the connection Lady Death had with Evil Ernie, and he sought passage to hell to avenge his lady. In the meantime Pagan forged the alliance with the Trinity of Evil, who wanted to conquer Hell. Ernie managed to enter Hell, but Pagan deceived him and sent him against Cremator, blaming him for Lady Death's disappearance. 

After Evil Ernie had learned that it was Pagan who was responsible, he hacked Pagan into pieces. Pagan managed to pull himself together, but it drained his powers, he gathered himself while Cremator fought Asteroth who was summoned on Pagan's orders. Pagan started to hatch plans to rule Hell himself. Pagan's plans however fail when Trinity of Evil is defeated. Lady Death returned to Hell and started to conquer back her domains. Pagan disappeared from sight for a while, but when talks of human girl named Hope fighting in Hell started to circle; Pagan reemerged. He started to torment Hope and also gave her clues in a cryptic way. Santa Gloria, one of Heaven's assassins, approached Pagan and offered him a deal; she would save Pagan from Hell's destruction if he kills Hope. 

Hope still hates Pagan for exiling Lady Death and cuts him into pieces. However, Pagan has overcome that state, now he can easily reassemble himself; he does so silently and strikes spear through Hope. Archangel Michael intervened and turned Hope back into Lady Death. Pagan then sides with the last Heaven's assassin, Galilean and sends hordes of demons to kill Lady Death. Pagan then prepares himself to leave; he stops to grab Thanatos' head as a souvenir.

Dog's Life
Dog's Life
He then joins newly resurrected Lucifer and they travel to Earth to make it their own. Pagan takes an alias of Adam Appel, an entertainer in casino Inferno. Pagan cheats the chip made by Leonard Price out of some scientists, and it is used to grow Lucifer's influence in Las Vegas. Pagan haven't lost his trickster ways and goes on annoying Lady Death and overhearing Heaven's plans. After Lucifer Engine is destroyed, Lucifer decides to sneak into Heaven and take God's throne. 

When Lady Death came to conquer Heaven as well, Pagan noticed that one of Nameless Wolves has been separated from the group. He killed him and skinned him, making a garb out of it. He parades with the new look in front of Lady Death, but when he sees how she kills Lucifer, he escapes her wrath.

Abaddon's Avatar
Abaddon's Avatar
Armageddon arrived and the world was destroyed when he died. One of Pandora Effect survivors remolded the universe and created eight worlds. Pagan was also recreated and he arrived on Earth dubbed Dark Millennium. He joined the demon race under Asteroth leadership. One day Lady Death arrived to seek Asteroth's assistance. She demanded that Pagan must be punished for killing her Nameless Wolf. Asteroth agreed but the punishment was to be without blood. Lady Death then turned Pagan into a dog, as he still wore the wolf's skin. Soon after his transformation, Pagan sided with Purgatori and let the Nocturne's grimoire stolen from Lady Death. He let Purgatori read the inscription to release Abaddon. But Pagan played her and he himself was turned into living embodiment of Abaddon. He then went to Nocturne and took her as his pride. Pagan couldn't enjoy his new power for long, as Lady Death came and struck him with the Apocalypse. Abaddon's power left Pagan and he again escaped.

He traveled to next earth and joined other Hell lords in resurrecting Lucifer again, their plan worked.


January 1995

October 1995

December 1995

May 1996

May 1997

February 1998

June 1998

August 1998

September 1998

October 1998

December 1998

January 1999

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September 1999

November 1999

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December 2000

January 2001










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