
Sheva Alomar

Sheva Alomar

Sheva is a skilled and effective member of the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance, and has assisted other BSAA agents like Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine in the fight against bioterrorism.

Sheva Alomar
Real name:
Sheva Alomar
  • Sheva
Birth date:
  • Adaptive
  • Agility
  • Marksmanship
  • Stealth
  • Tracking
  • Unarmed Combat
  • Weapon Master
First issue:
The Art of Resident Evil 5 (2010) #1 SC


Sheva is an accomplished and valued member of the BSAA or the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance. Born in South Africa, Sheva would face hardship when her parents were killed in a factory incident when she was just eight years old. Sheva would be taken in by an uncle, where she lived with several other children. However life wasn't easy and Sheva would end up running away. Sheva would then be taken in by a truck driver who had found her, and it was here that she would find some stability. However her new guardian, is a part of a local rebel militia. In was during this time that Sheva would learn that the factory where her parents were killed, was actually due to the nefarious actions of large international pharmaceutical company Umbrella Corporation. They had been been testing and experimenting with bio-organic weapons, and after their tests, they had destroyed not only the factory and those inside it, but the village most of the workers came from. Sheva would stay with and join the rebel militia group for her youth and young teenage years.

Eventually she would catch the attention of a USA agency combating terrorism, and bio-terrorism. They would contact Sheva and ask her to sabotage a nearby Umbrella facility, something she would gladly do. Sheva's efforts would assist in ending an Umbrella deal, and her competence would lead to her being offered a residence and educational opportunities in America. A fast learner, Sheba would excel in school and eventually be offered a role in a newly formed UN approved Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance.


