Real name:
Birth date:
  • Magic


Myer is a witch and also a baker. He made several life-sized gingerbread men and a woman, and brought them to life. The woman he named Cookee.

Major Story Arcs

It's Halloween in Salem and trick-or-treaters have taken to the streets. At Witch Manor, Raven Hex has been scrying in the mirror and has come across three Salem youths that have wondered up to a house they should have avoided. The haunt is the “Old Myer’s Place” the home to a crazy baker witch who Tarot feels they should check out, Raven is disappointed since this most likely means and early end to their Samhain celebration. Tarot tells her sister with the already shakey impression mortals have of witches the last thing they need is some reclusive baker witch abducting children. The two Black Rose Witches teleport to the house in a pink mist and approach the door as they are all to rarely seen, as a team.

Tarot immediately realizes the house is in the grip of a binding spell, and they will be unable to use magic to protect themselves or rescue the children. As soon as they enter they are attacked by zombie gingerbread men who sink their candy corn teeth into the witches soft warm flesh. Tarot counterattacks with the Black Rose Sword and Raven takes out a few cookie-man with some powerful kicks but the witches find themselves running through the house in search of cover.

Not long after barricading the door do the hands of the sugary walkers burst through and grab Raven and Tarot dragging them to another part of the house where they are thrown into a vat of chocolate where they are greeted by Cookee a beautiful young gingerbread girl frosted in pink and wearing only stockings and a lace bustier.

Cookee and Myer
Cookee and Myer

Cookee explains how her creator, Myer made her from scratch, a living cookie from his cookbook of spells, to be his lover. He was there as she awoke from her “birth oven,” watching with her peppermint eyes as he clothed her with strawberry and vanilla icing only to clean it off her and redress her again and again until he was satisfied.

The baker witch promised to teach his beautiful cookee creation about love and she was enchanted with him, but in a short time the baker became neglectful, gluttons and Cookee became jealous of the other cookies her ate. Watching Myer, sitting in front of the television watching zombie movies, consuming bag after bag of cookies and saying how much he loved them, Cookee developed a warped sense of how to display affection. Believing it was her purpose to show her creator love she did so in the only way she had seen… by consuming the object of her devotion. Sinking her teeth into Myer's flesh, proud to show him how much she had learned about love, she devoured his entire body. He was her first love but now she intends to “love” the three tick-or-treaters and the two witches who are still stuck in the chocolate.


September 2002



Died in issues

