


One of the three three Battleship-class Ubermensch the German forces use to battle the Russians during WWII.

Real name:
Klaudia Hoch
Birth date:
  • Energy Manipulation
  • Invulnerability
  • Super Speed
  • Super Strength
  • Unarmed Combat
First issue:

Current Events

Sieglinde successfully completed her mission to assassinate Winston Churchill and managed to retreat out of England. She will likely be out of commission due to exhausted for some time.


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Klaudia was a normal young girl on the onset of WW2 in love with a German pilot named Leon. In November 1940 Leon went out on a bombing mission and returned forever disabled in a vegetable-like state by a wound he sustained.

Three years later, General Sankt visits the hospital where Leon is being kept, intending to test out the Wöden's Blood on patients there. Klaudia, who happens to be there also is tested and confirmed to have Panzermensch potential. Although she didn't think highly of Sankt, she nevertheless agrees for one simple reason: vengeance.

Klaudia then spent the next two years under General Sankt, developing her powers, training her skills and most importantly she was conditioned to kill. Near the end of her training, Leon was killed in Dresden during the allied fire bombings of the city. It was at this point fully accepted her role as the Battleship Sieglinde.


original sketch for Sieglinde
original sketch for Sieglinde

Wrtiter Kieron Gillen originally named her Brunnhilde, but later renamed her Sieglinde. He wanted the names of the Battleships to start with the same later (others being Siegmund and Siegfried), like in Naval tradition.

Character Evolution

Sieglinde's first deployment is on the morning of April 30, 1945. She takes an overhead position in a Flak tower overseeing the city and provides targeted artillery support across the city for Strikeforce Siegfried via the use of her Distortion Halos, with targets market by other Ubermensch fighting in close quarters. Although effective in her duties, Klaudia is mostly empathetic, remarking that her and her fellow Ubermensch do not ensure a German victory in the war, only ensure that every side loses.

Through combined effort with both task force Siegmund and Siegfried, Klaudia and the Ubermensch force the capitulation of some 1,000,000 soviet soldiers and the Battle of Berlin is a resounding victory for the Reich.

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During the next day Sieglinde continues her watch in a Flaktower, protecting the city from bombers. Despite orders from Siegmund to relieve herself she refuses and aids Werner in wiping out a bomber fleet. She spends the next few days incapacitated due to overexertion. Through their combined efforts, Klaudia and Werner completely destroy an allied bomber group and make daylight bombing raids an obsolete strategy for the allies.

Although initially inactive after the Battle of Berlin, Sieglinde's task-force was reinforced and reequipped in preparation for a thrust into Paris. During the early onstages of the invasion, Sieglinde displays the first example of Distoration Halo architecture and she creates a massive bridge nicknamed the "Sieglindestrabe" which crossed the Rhine River.

Sieglinde's forces then enter Paris via the east bank and their presence is immediately felt, causing mass destruction and chaos everywhere. During the battle her forces encounter the first allied Panzermensch and initially suffer causalities.

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The allied V2's are quickly proven to be no match for Sieglinde whatsoever. Though this was known and the allied plan was to lure her in and deploy their own Battleship dubbed H.M.H Colossus. Stephanie was skeptical of Colossus' ability to engage Sieglinde effectively has he had not fully matured like she had. These doubts were inevitably proved true. Although Colossus fought valiantly and even initially appeared to have the upperhand, Sieglinde through physical superiority defeats Colossus and the first Battleship class Ubermensch dies in action.

Siegelinde then proceeded to wipe out the remaining allied V2's in the area and allied resistance in general faltered at the mere hint of her presence. After six hour of continued fighting the Axis troops would withdraw, suffering some causalities in the late hours.

Siegelinde retreated successfully with only minor wounds inflicted by Colossus and immediately proved to be one of the finest, perhaps the finest, Battleship class Ubermensch.

After their initial success Sieglinde and the other Battleships are kept off the front line and the war temporarily stabilizes.

Eventually though, Germany comes up with a plan to assassinate Churchill. Sieglinde is chosen for the job because Werner had lost his arm and Siegfried was considered the favorite of the three Battleships. Siegelinde was also chosen because Hitler felt she would be the best martyr of the three, and Germany would mourn the death of a beautiful woman.

Hoping to repeat the success of Kursk, the allies initially throw 20 V2 Tank-Men at Sieglinde, hoping to stop her in the same manner that Siegmund was stopped. She easily dispatched the 20 V2's however.

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Eventually the allies were forced to send out a new type of tank men they had created dubbed "Heavy Tank Men", V2's that sacrificed their distortion halo ability for doubled physical abilities. The allies had hoped that these new Tank Men could, physically at least, contend with a battleship.

This once, again proved to be false. Siegelinde engaged the Heavy Tank Men and, even in a straight up physical contest proved to be their superior.

After finishing off the defenders Sieglinde eventually tears her way through Churchill's Bunker and assassinates him.


Siegelinde displays a very remorseful type personality. She is often dejected and relies solely on her want for revenge to justify her actions. She does however display disgust at Markus' execution of the soviet personalities and adamantly denies her doing the action where she in his place.

At times she has displayed a friendship and comradeship with Markus.

In her youth she appeared to be quite a joyful person, though this changed after the disability and ultimate death of her lover, Leon.

Prior to her mission to kill Churchill, which she viewed as suicidal, she engages in Markus for sex, despite hating him, for one last emotional and physical release.

Powers and Abilities

Although the process is still being understood, the creation of Ubermensch begins with giving them treatments of an alien material known as Woden's Blood. Approximately one in five thousand humans can undertake treatments - those who cannot immediately die when touching the material.

Most humans can take three treatments, resulting it a common Panzermensch with enhanced speed, strength, invulnerability and an energy projection/manipulation ability referred to as distortion Halos. Later, different types of Ubermensch are created, some sacrificing their Halo ability for greater physical prowess or vice versa.

Even rarer are humans who can handle more treatments of Woden's blood. The strongest being referred to as Battleships, which can handle a total of 24 treatments. Klaudia is one of these such Battleships.


Maria, as a battle-class ship Ubermensch is granted an enormous amount of strength. Although her own appearances are minor, her strength level should be around the 30+ ton range, fully capable of toss tanks around the battlefield.

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She likewise is granted increased speed and should be capable of dodging gun and tank fire of the time.


Battleship class Ubermensch are completely invulnerable to all types of modern weaponry including small arms fire, tank fire, anti-tank fire and even recently Siegelinde has taken ship fired ordinance with no damage.

Distortion Halos

Like all Ubermensch, Maria posses Distortion Halos, an energy projection and manipulation type ability.Other battleships are capable of wiping out bombers and tanks in mass with casual ease and can wipe other V2s just as easily.Battleship Class Distortion Halos are also the only known effective weapon against other Battleships.

They also demonstrate matter manipulation with their Halos. Klaudia was able to dye her hair and create a giant bridge with her Halos (seemingly out of nothing.).


All Ubermensch suffer a weakness of fatigue. In this state they are incredible vulnerable and can be killed much more easily. Although the Battleships themselves display a very high tolerance against this weakness, they still suffer from it. Klaudia was incapacitated for days by being over deployed for a period of 6 hours.

Although the exact time limit for the Battleships deployment is not yet known, it seems a period of about 12 hours of continual combat before stopping for rest is ideal. Still, each Battleship is fully capable of supporting an entire German front.


April 2013

May 2013

July 2013

September 2013

January 2014

March 2014

April 2014

July 2014

November 2014

February 2015

April 2015

July 2015

April 2018

June 2018





