
Alexandra Cabot

Alexandra Cabot

She is the twin sister of Alexander Cabot III. Often overshadows the rest of the cast.

Alexandra Cabot
Real name:
Alexandra Cabot
Birth date:
  • Insanely Rich
  • Intellect
  • Magic
First issue:
She's Josie (1963) #3 Sweater Girls

Alexandra is one of the longest-running supporting characters of Josie, introduced in the 1960s. She is the twin sister of Alexander Cabot. Both are heirs to Alexander Cabot, Jr, a wealthy businessman. Alexandra has black-hair with a white stripe in the middle, shaped like a lightning-bolt. She is intelligent but has a cruel side to her personality. Back in the 1969, in the storyline introducing the Pussycats music group, Alexandra was supposed to be part of the trio with Josie and Melody. However she demanded leadership in exchange for her music skills and financial backing. But Valerie joined the group instead of her while Alexander became their manager and financial backer. A rejected Alexandra swore revenge. Since then various stories have focused on her efforts to either rival the group or become the fourth Pussycat. Her music skills have varied on depiction, from adequate to atrocious.

Alexandra has a personal rivalry with Josie over the affections Alan Mayberry (nicknamed "Alan M"). She also has a rather poor relationship with her brother . At times her mean streak is downplayed and she acts quite friendly with Josie, Melody and Valerie in situations which don't involve the band. Another side to her personality was introduced in 1969. Her cat Sebastian is the reincarnation of a witchcraft-practicing ancestor of the Cabots. When she holds the cat in her hands, Alexandra can cast powerful magic spells. Which at times backfire spectacularly. Her witchcraft skills seem to have been mostly forgotten about by the 1980s and are rarely even mentioned in modern depictions.



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